Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @pinkbuffalo Too true-got to fit it all in!

    @clicketykeys Chia seed tea, sounds like a new health food craze lol

    @janetay01 Think on the bright side, at least you don't live in the US...

    @Evamutt That is a huge drop in size! Congrats!!! Sounds like you deserve some cute new clothes

    @jdelaroy I did a tuck during my climb prep so I'm one step further on getting all the way up the pole. And 6 minutes off is a huge accomplishment, way to go!!!

    HAPPY FRIDAY!!!! So glad it's the weekend. I'm going a bit stir crazy to get off work today to head up to my friend's house for our girls night but I'm trying to be patient. I woke up early this morning to get my workout in and I'm currently trying to plan a fun trip for my SO and I for later this summer. It has to be a weekend since he can't get anymore time off, but I'm thinking maybe booking a room at a casino with the waterpark/swim up bar and a river cruise. It sounds like the perfect amount of exciting and relaxing (and I really want to play in the water this summer!). I realized that it's already June and I've barely done summer things yet. Next on my list is scheduling a kayaking date! I've never been but have always wanted to go and we've got a rental place in town so I have no excuse! I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @evamutt It is great that you are getting things figured out, how often you like to eat, things you can use as a substitute, and even more gym time. Keep up the great work. I am so excited to get down to a 12-14. I am at an 18 from a 24 right now. If I get to 12-14 I will have to buy new clothes.

    @janetay01 Sounds like a lovely weekend sorry, hubby can't make it. Your political system sounds almost as bad as ours. A president who is probably only in office because of Russian interference and all he is doing is antagonizing every other country.

    @clicketykeys I hope it gets better for you too.

    Well I am exhausted, I was tired yesterday when I got home from work. (At least dinner was in the crock pot, just had to boil noodles.) Then went roller skating. The manager let me borrow her skates, 20 minutes in I fell on my butt. Now it is bruised, and leg and back don't feel great. BF is being a royal butt head today, can't find my debit card, and I just want to cry and go back to bed. Instead, I went to the gym, walked for an hour (3 miles.) stopped and ordered a small tea, Got the large instead. I think the world is telling me I need more caffeine, that or I should take it easy. Refusing to continue fighting with the BF, so basically we aren't talking to each other right now. Oh Joy. I am proud of myself for making it to the gym, even though I really really just wanted to stay in bed.

    Have a great, kick *kitten*, kick fat weekend.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @rachel0778 Awesome job on the tuck. What a great GF, a surprise weekend sounds great. Enjoy your time with your friend and mom.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Good morning good morning!

    Seems like everyone has been busy this week!

    @jdelaroy The first 2 and a half years of our marriage we worked such opposite shifts that we almost never saw each other, and if we did it was only for an hour or two before he went to bed and I went to work. The time we get now is so precious to us. We dont often do much then sit at home but I dont mind at all. We're both introverts so staying home together is what suits the both of us best.

    @Evamutt I spent 8 and a half years wearing a uniform to work so when I got the bank job I had to go out and buy office attire. I hated it because it had been so long since I had bought clothes that the sizes I though I were were actually too small. I'm a 14/16 right now. Four years ago I was a 4/6. I guess that's what marriage and quitting smoking does to a body. Lol.

    @clicketykeys I've poured the last of the milk into the sink instead of my coffee cup before! Lol. I'm glad work went well the other day! I hope you have a blast at Dollyworld! It sounds like you make smoothies for breakfast. What kind do you make?

    @Rachel0778 Congrats on the new move! In September, right between our wedding anniversary and my birthday, the DH and I are going to a couple conference. So that is our weekend away. We are very excited! I have a longish day today at work and I'm closing the branch at 7pm since it's Friday and a short morning tomorrow. And then I am off for Sunday! I cant wait!

    @PinkBuffalo Welcome welcome! This journey is a marathon, not a sprint. Take it one step at a time, be conscious of what you eat and how much you move! The weight will come off soon enough. Sometimes it just takes time! You'll get there!

    So some of you have asked what kind of book I am publishing. It is a book of poetry. The first part chronicles my battle with mental illness in high school. The second is a collection of poetry that I wrote after I found stability and a relationship with the Lord. The hard part about publishing it is the formatting. I use a program that does a lot of the work for me, but I have to do the physical html formatting, like all the spaces between lines and all the page breaks and indentations and things. So that takes a while and can be a tad frustrating. Lol.

    So yesterday was not a great day. Work was wonderful! But I didnt eat well at all. Had a donut and a GIANT bagel loaded with cream cheese at work, had a healthy dinner but ate terrible after dinner. I'm not sure why I've been eating so poorly. I think before last weekend I was doing all right but since then I just havent been able to get back on the wagon. So that kind of disheartens me. But I WILL do this! I will. I will!!!
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,628 Member
    I too had mental health issues in high school & also became an alcoholic, until God gave me a new life, which I am forever grateful for. I'm so excited. after my work out at the gym today, I signed up for the personal training classes for only $10 more a month! I meet with a personal trainer Monday at noon then get started. the classes are limited in number so the pt can help you individually.They also offer nutrition help. I'm really looking forward to it.Along the lines of what the Lord did & does for me is, my whole life, even when I was a little girl, I always dreaded getting older & dying & now that I'm retired & 63, the Lord has brought new things into my life to look forward to. He surprises me all the time
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Tired. Work was 11 hrs, and I made it to the gym. Couldn't do all my reps. Better than zilch I spose. Tomorrow will be 13 hrs, and I'm just gonna come straight home.

    Happy Friday all :)
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    I had a little weight loss plateau and hunger crisis, but today I've got my flat tummy back, determination high and my food sorted - back on track! In 5 days it's my 7 month 'transformation' anniversary o:) Feeling quite emotional, proud and scared at the same time, cause my body is at the best shape it has ever been, it's kind of a shock every time I look in the mirror already.
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Congratulations @gymprincess1234! That is awesome to hear :D

    I hope the classes with your PT go well @Evamutt. What will you be working on - or will you find out when you meet with the trainer?

    @HGSmith0920 - you may want to make sure that you have plenty of your healthy snacks nearby. Make sure to stock up next time you go to the grocery store! I find that it's really hard for me to just NOT EAT. Glad that work is going well! I hope that when you have your meeting, they're able to go "you know, you're doing so much better now that you're at this branch! Clearly THAT was the issue" ;)

    *hugs* jdelaroy - Hope things are getting better for you too! My day did improve somewhat. It was nice out, though I didn't get to walk as much as I would have liked.

    Kayaking sounds like lots of fun @Rachel0778! When are you planning on going?

    Going to be a long day today, and if we're understaffed (which there's a good chance we will be) I might get stuck at the gate doing bag checks all day instead of walking around. SAD FACE. *sigh*
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    edited June 2017
    Went for a run today and my leggings fell off. Had to tie them up with a hair tie. So annoyed, cause only got them 7 months ago when I started my fitness journey. They are in perfect condition and were pricey. :( The same with sports bras, I've lost my boobs, I need new ones, but there's nothing wrong with these ones !!
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    On the positive side, my running keeps improving, I used to struggle with breathing during the first 10min and look at my watch the whole 30min, now I have no problem running even more, just get a bit bored haha

    Making a running play list has helped a lot, the right tracks really maximize energy!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Good evening everyone!!

    Was a lazy day today! Worked from 8:30am to 1:15pm and then ran an errand when I got home, and passed out into a FOUR HOUR nap! It felt like I was back working overnights because I used to do that all the time back then! But I woke up feeling refreshed. Didn't get the walk in I wanted to today. It was pretty warm all day and I ended up just sleeping and by the time I woke up the gym was already closed. Lol. I did a hard dance cardio workout yesterday that had a lot of jumping and my calves burned all day today! My home gym is attached to the other side of the building that my church is in so I think I'm gonna go after the service tomorrow. It's supposed to be in the 90's tomorrow so I doubt I'll be walking, but we'll see. Lol.

    Have a great day everyone! See you in the morning!
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member

    I'm undergoing major life changes at the moment (moving countries, careers, etc. ) so shifting shapes feels the only thing I'm in full control. A bit nervous, cause I will have to change gyms, my whole workout routine and won't be living alone, so there will be a lot more food distractions around. :|
    Oh, well, with determination and discipline will still reach my goal weight this summer! So close now.

    Took progress pictures this morning. Swear, if someone looked through my phone, they would think I'm the most vain person ever, so many bikini selfies. :D Got some new muscles on my back, it no longer looks like a fat square! Yeeeey!
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,628 Member
    way to go gympricess! clicketykeys, thanks for bringing that up, I haven't thought of my goals & that's what they're going to ask me, to modify my workouts.Where are you moving to? I did it again , I didn't get up when i woke up but went back to sleep. When I do that I feel so dragged out all day. I was so tired from yesterday. One of our sons needed ride to work by 2:30, so I picked him up. We were almost there but he said he wasn't feeling well & to take him home. We did pick up my best friend who was planing to come over since she didn't live too far from his work. This son have gotten pretty overweight & has high BP & just isn't taking care of himself. I was so alarmed. So we had BBQ at my house then I get text from my son & asks if I can take him to work at 6, since he's feeling better so my friend ended up being with us for less than 2 hrs. My son looked better. He said he ate & had water. He hardly drinks water, as he is on his feet at work all day going all over the hospital. I know he only eats after work, at midnight too. I brought my big dog, Grizzly with me when I picked up my son, so when we got to my friends house, we took our dogs for a walk. I drove 60 miles yesterday. I feel too foggy minded for church today & it's cold & cloudy. I'm trying to motivate myself to take dogs out but I don't know. I think I'll cook, clean then go to animal rescue for the after noon
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,628 Member
    I just read some posts & an article in the thread called "how long should you stay in a calorie deficit" The article within it (it was a link) was so good, It was about taking planed maintenance breaks of 2 weeks & the reasons why. Personally, after 10 months of steady loosing I had to increase my intake the last 2 months. It wasn't that it was too hard physically at a lower cal level so much as psychological, altho the more I lost the more it lowered cal intake. so I have lost only 2 more lbs the last 2 months, but I feel SO much better. This is one of the reasons why I signed up for the class at gym. Not just to feel better but to loose the rest of this weight. I feel fine on my 1500 cal/day plan & really don't want to go back to less. It says i should loose .5 lb/wk but hasn't been happening. I eat 1/2 exercise cal back on exercise days. When I first started (I was 41lbs heavier) mfp gave me 1460 cal/day to loose 1 lb/wk, which was fine but 39 lbs later it gave me 1200/day. We'll see what happens. Check out the article
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    I'm so impatient to see results, I went for 6th workout day last week- a run yesterday. Just woke up with sore legs, the best pain in the world :D and my measurements are in all time low. I think I stand a chance of being under 85kg by the end of this week
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Wasn't stuck doing bag checks, fortunately. I did get put at the water park gate, which generally involves reminding people of the rules (which are posted RIGHT BESIDE the gate, haha) over and over and OVER again. But I was able to switch off with one of the people they had doing the walking rotation, which was cool. Got in about 13.5k steps, which isn't bad for a 9-hr shift.

    Going to Dollywood today and I can't sleep :P but it kinda sucks that now that I'm up I'm hungry already and it's not remotely time to eat.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @gymprincess1234 Congrats at being so close to goal :) Nothing wrong with celebrating your accomplishments! Just think of the happy people who can use your fitness hand-me-downs since you shrank out of them!

    @clicketykeys I hope you have a great time in Dollywood! Way to rock your steps during your work day!

    @Evamutt I'm glad the maintenance break has been working well for you! I usually take one over the holidays for sure and any other time I know it will be hard to be in a deficit, keep up the great work! Also, I'm so glad to hear you were able to work through your mental health issues to get to the great place you are in now.

    @HGSmith0920 Way to rock your workouts! It sounded like your body needed that rest, I'm glad you were able to take care of yourself :)

    @jdelaroy I hope the weekend turned itself around for you!

    I binged on Sunday. I did great all Friday and all Saturday, but I was busy with people those two days and then when my volunteering shift came around on Sunday I was tired, I had a pounding headache, and my willpower was gone. I ate ALL my feelings and I feel like garbage today. I now have that old record playing in my head that I am just going to gain all the weight back and keep gaining because clearly I have no will power. I know it's not true, but it's how I feel.

    I made sure to massively thin my social calendar coming up. I usually binge when I don't listen to my body and this was definitely an example of that. I planned my meals for the week and I'm going to pick up some extra veggies after work today so that I have readily available healthy options for snacks.

    Ugh, I'm just so frustrated with myself and this self sabotage cycle. Oh well, today is a new day and I need to get my attitude in check.
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    @Rachel0778 I feel you, I've just come out of a binge-full month myself! Fat loss is no miracle, but pure science. Just get back on track and maybe don't eat all your workout kcal back, and it will be like the binge never happened.
    I find that logging in binge calories is the best thing - you acknowledge what has happened, forgive yourself, forget and move on! :)
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,628 Member
    Rachel0778 I know what that feels like & I know what's in our head is different from our feelings sometime, you'll be fine, try not to let it get to you