Retrograde_Orbit Member


  • Easy one, it is one of my favourite comic book characters from when I was younger... Same thing with the picture. I also used the same name when I would take part in on-line gaming.
  • Don't stress about it, eat and enjoy. Exercise a little more the next day if it makes you feel better about it. But as long as you don't have a "blowout" meal every day, you'll be fine.
  • Stunning transformation. You should be amazingly proud of yourself. You look like a different woman. Sexy as hell if you don't mind me saying...
  • Now that I have reached my weight goal, I am hoping to inspire my brother to look after himself better. He has a lot of ailments, some of which are caused by his being overweight, not eating properly, smoking, drinking and not exercising. All the things I used to do up until seven months ago. The fun thing is that I am…
  • I recently reached my target weight and have adjusted my settings so that my daily calorie intake is geared toward maintaining that weight. Although, I have gone so long on a net daily calorie intake of 1200, I am, as yet, uncertain how I am going to incorporate 350 extra calories a day... But I'm sure I'll work something…
  • The way I look at it is, if I eat the bulk of my nutrition during the day when I am more active, then those nutrients will get put to better use. For instance helping to build new muscle fibre after my early morning gym sessions. I also think that one is less likely to lay down less useful things like adding extra to ones…
  • I always eat my main meal at lunchtime now. Yes, it is a bit of a pain, but what I try to do is prepare it at home (enough for several days) split it into single portion bags and put what I don't need for the next day into the freezer. This way you know exactly what you are eating with the convenience of fast food. The…
  • When you decide to start, make sure you don't stop! Give yourself a date to start and make sure you stick to it, no matter what. Make going to the gym or whatever way you are going to take your exercise an incorporation into your daily life cycle. For instance, I now go to the gym every weekday morning. So I just get up…
  • Because of possible fluctuations, I'd say weigh once a week and try to do it on the same day and time each week. As well as that, I'd recommend a weekly or bi-weekly measure up of the usual areas, arms, neck, chest, waist and so on. So that you can track those improvements too. Sometimes it is possible to make improvements…
  • The trouble is, and it applies to so many things, not just dieting. It is always easier to point out the errors than to give credit where credit is due. I am as guilty of it as others. But I try not to overtly put my partner down. However if she asks me a question about how she looks, then I will tend to give an honest…
  • Lovely hair and a couple of great assets I happened to notice...
  • That's pretty darned amazing... Congratulations for the loss and managing to do 365 days straight on MFP. I only hope I can eventually do as well as you have.
  • I have an even worse one: apicoectomy Had this operation a few weeks ago, it ain't fun!
  • Great progress from all of you! I've lost 2 and a half stone in about two months. I haven't got the knack of adding photographs to posts yet. So please look at my profile pictures to see the changes. First one was taken on the 27th of July, two days after going back to the gym after a loooooong absence. next was 9th of…
  • I think he means the recommended maximum heart rate for your age range :smile:
  • I had an upcoming operation and the hospital did what is called a pre-op check about one month before the operation was scheduled to take place. I knew I was overweight and out of shape, smoking and having a regular tipple. Eating too much and badly as well. But when they weighed me and I came in at 1 pound short of 13…