Newer....still struggling to start

Need more motivators and supporters!!
I like to reward myself when I reach certain goals which is why the following is broken up the way it is...
CW/SW: 209
First GW: 189 (10% of SW)
Second GW: 170 (10% of first GW)
Third GW- 153 (10% of second GW)
Final Goal Weight- 145

My current calorie intake is 1200.


  • Im having a hard time as well :( I too need motivators. Care to join up
  • peejay34mason
    peejay34mason Posts: 131 Member
    I had started at 221.5 and happily now at 154 (just 4 lbs shy of my goal). I have made major lifestyle changes and do not regret any bit of it. I see that your goal are very similar to mine. I would love to partner up and help motivate you to stay the course. I will send a friend request. Take care!
  • Retrograde_Orbit
    Retrograde_Orbit Posts: 16 Member
    When you decide to start, make sure you don't stop! Give yourself a date to start and make sure you stick to it, no matter what.

    Make going to the gym or whatever way you are going to take your exercise an incorporation into your daily life cycle. For instance, I now go to the gym every weekday morning. So I just get up earlier, drive to work and then (literally) walk across the road to my gym.
    This way, I don't have to think about it, just do it. The only reason I will not go to the gym now, is if I significantly oversleep or am sufficiently unwell.

    I had other bad habits which needed altering too, I was smoking, eating too much bad food and drinking too much alcohol. The same day I went back to the gym was the same day I stopped smoking and drinking and completely overhauled my diet.

    It was tough, but far less tough than doing them one at a time and dealing with all the different withdrawals over a longer period.

    Lastly, ensure you log everything every day, it is a great way to motivate yourself.

    But don't forget that it is okay to have the occasional treat too.

    Good luck!
  • leblanc_kelly88
    leblanc_kelly88 Posts: 68 Member
    When you decide to start, make sure you don't stop! Give yourself a date to start and make sure you stick to it, no matter what.

    Make going to the gym or whatever way you are going to take your exercise an incorporation into your daily life cycle. For instance, I now go to the gym every weekday morning. So I just get up earlier, drive to work and then (literally) walk across the road to my gym.
    This way, I don't have to think about it, just do it. The only reason I will not go to the gym now, is if I significantly oversleep or am sufficiently unwell.

    I had other bad habits which needed altering too, I was smoking, eating too much bad food and drinking too much alcohol. The same day I went back to the gym was the same day I stopped smoking and drinking and completely overhauled my diet.

    It was tough, but far less tough than doing them one at a time and dealing with all the different withdrawals over a longer period.

    Lastly, ensure you log everything every day, it is a great way to motivate yourself.

    But don't forget that it is okay to have the occasional treat too.

    Good luck!

    Thank you! That was awesome to read! I do need to stop being lazy in the mornings!! My finace has to leave for work at 530 in the morning and I dont need to be to work until 8....I always SAID i would get up the mornings he goes to work and go to the gym...which would be wednesday-saturday. I REALLY should stick to that and actually do it...rather than fall back asleep :-\
  • I sent a friend request as well. I have used MFP before in the past but I am determined to make it stick this time. I can really use the support as well.
  • aeich8899
    aeich8899 Posts: 55 Member
    To remind myself that losing weight is important to me I set my homepage on my computer browser to mfp now every time i sit down its staring me in the face.
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    You can add me if you like.. I Zumba and do weights 4-6 days a week.. I just upped my calories from 1200 to 1560 plus eat back when I have to..