

  • THANK YOU. It is so nice to hear that "walk it off" is not always the solution. Lol. I have a treadmill at home. Due to my schedule it's usually very early or late that I work out and I don't feel safe doing that out of doors at that time, besides which the sidewalks AND streets are both in pretty unfortunate condition. I…
  • I also workout best alone. Someone else mentioned that it was easier to pay attention to what they were doing and I completely agree.
  • Bump for later... curious too.
  • Lol. I've heard that a lot. But I suppose it's personal preference that *I* feel like some areas do not look good on me when they are super toned as they do on other people. I do arms/back. I may change in the future, but I find that focusing on my shoulders and chest intentionally builds too much for my body type, I have…
  • I stand all day at work (50 hrs/wk) so when I lift I do not do my legs. I walk 6 days a week (I'm working on running a little more at a time every other day) and on the days I don't run, I do my lifting/strength training. Just arms (triceps, blech) and abs. Light weights, few reps - I build muscle pretty quickly and I'm…
  • Hmmm... Chris Evans Young Val Kilmer (Real Genius, anyone?) Young Kurt Russell (Jack Burton, lol!) Young(er) Matt Damon (Good Will Hunting) Though recently I realized you could put Chris Hemsworth's voice in pretty much any body and still get my attention. Not, of course, that there's anything wrong with his...:heart:
  • "You look so familiar..." is what I get, a lot. I've been told that I look like Carla Gugino (younger, lol), and once Brittany Murphy (RIP), but I think that guy was trying a little hard. My stepmom actually mistook a screenshot from 500 Days of Summer (the part in the record store with the black dress) as a photo of me…
  • At night?! ME TOO!! What I started doing is having a salad after I work out at night (when I do, I stand all day so I *try* to work out in the morning, on good days, I do both) Actually, I'm having one preemptively now. You can afford a pretty big one if need be on very few calories. And instead of dressing, use.... PICKLE…
  • I know how you feel. I have always liked firm green grapes (especially very cold, but not frozen) - but I have come to love bananas, oranges, and watermelon. Though generally fruit is not my thing, I'm more a sweet pepper or rich salad type. But I'm workin' on it! Today I ate a small banana with breakfast, and some frozen…
  • 24 living at home. Helped my folks move across the country almost 3 years ago and decided to stay. Doing my best to save money while paying off my car and helping with house bills. Since they don't allow me to pay rent, I also have my mom (who has a disability) on my cell phone plan in case for some reason the phone bill…
  • Thanks, guys! I use an albuterol inhaler before I exercise also and it really does help. Currently, my asthma diagnosis is chronic, which technically means "it won't go away". But as I didn't grow up with asthma I am hopeful that as I get back into better shape it WILL go away! Intervals are how I've worked up to where I…
  • Eat every 2 hours. Set a timer on your phone/watch/whatever and when it goes off make an effort to eat something and/or drink some water, juice, or milk. This has worked miracles for me. Although I do get joked at from time to time because basically that's constantly eating. :P
  • I'm with everyone who says genetics. Even at my thinnest (size 2) I was a "Full D"... Such a PAIN to find a small band size with a "big" cup. :(
  • I am 5'1" too. I was an overweight (not obese, but not fit) kid but got down to 114 lbs because of EDNOS when I was about 15. I realized that my control was slipping before I got caught and I stopped. It has taken me almost 10 years, but I've put all the weight back on and more. I could go into the psychology of it, but…
  • Bummer. That's sort of what I expected to hear. but thank you. I'll slow down a bit and see if that helps!
  • What?! Didn't realize that was today! Thanks for the reminder. :bigsmile:
  • LOL! So totally how I got here.
  • Personally I don't like planks (or most ab exercises), and regular crunches never did much for me before. But I learned a simple ab exercise that I don't know the name of that has worked fantastically for my balance and strengthening my core, which in turn has made my walking/running endurance a little better. Lie on your…
  • Hey, while we're on the subject I have a question about cramping while running, if no one minds... My calves tense up something awful when I run. Especially in the beginning, even if I stretch first sometimes! I think it might be because I do a lot of partial lunges while at work due to the way things are set up. But if…
  • Single and cool with it. :bigsmile:
  • OMG. ME TOO. :flowerforyou: But also Turner Classic Movies. And the great american songbook. Can't get enough.
  • Will be 25 in September. 20 lbs til the half-point but determined. Add me if you want!
  • Oh my gosh. So many responses - I wish my computer would work for more than 10 minutes so I could answer everyone! It's so nice to know I'm not the only one. Thank you everyone for all your honesty. I know it seems silly to talk about numbers when really I think most of us are in it to be healthy, but lets face it: to a…
  • Ha ha! I don't know that its necessarily a good thing, maybe if I looked worse I'd have been motivated to take care of this problem sooner! But very true, thanks for confirming my philosophy. it seems deciding to change ones appearance drastically is a more interesting way to to find out how others see us than I ever…
  • I have mostly done the same thing! The champagne Thursday is something I've seen in a few movies and I just like it! Its not very bad, calorically speaking, and since I live with my parents right now I definitely wouldn't be enjoying it alone! Lol. I know what you mean about bathing all the time too. ha ha.
  • Try spearmint tea, you can buy it or make it from your own spearmint plant - and since spearmint is naturally sweet but doesn't have that weird cold feeling that peppermint does it doesn't need much sugar/splenda/agave/honey/whatever to taste good. [EDIT] Oops! I forgot you were looking for caffeine! You can make the same…
  • Ha ha! I didn't think you meant it that way but it did make me realize that I hadn't written that part! And I know what you mean about the really indulgent stuff. truth is, I don't cut it out completely - but I don't use it as a reward either. Personally, food is my vice, so generally I try to avoid associating it with…
  • I agree that its generally counter intuitive to use consumables as a reward - but in this case it will be following in line with the whole idea of changing my "lifestyle" as opposed to a one time treat.
  • Thanks for the advice. :) Sorry It's taken so long to reply, computer issues will hopefully be resolved within the week. :/ I never got down past a healthy weight. But I have since gained it all back and more. I plan to lose it all the healthy way this time - and for good! To be a better example to my younger sibs (of…