Lisar97 Member


  • I haven't been able to breathe through my nose for almost 7 years now which has led to minimal sleep and low energy. It was suggested by a chiropractor of all people that I am sensitive to corn products and casein among a long list of other things. He suggested I cut my intake of corn and casein by 50% and guaranteed I…
  • I completely agree. I am wearing smaller sizes now than I did in high school too. So, they are definitely trying to make us feel better about our size. I am finding that most stores start at size 4 so I have now lost enough weight that I can't apparently shop at too many places anymore as I am in 2s and I can tell you I…
  • I had bad spider veins. I had most removed with sclerotherapy and lasers. It was expensive and took a long time to get them all but I am very happy with it. need to go back for some that I skipped due to $. My regular medical doctor used to do it as a side job as well (not on me) and he said that he had very little success…
  • This happens to me too. I also walk backwards or I try to press off the back part of my foot. It's hard to explain but I feel like maybe I was using the balls of my feet too much. I always figured I just walked weird or something because that same area feels like a rug burn when I am on the treadmill. Sometimes different…
  • I didn't notice any difference with them and I turned out to be allergic to the pills - horrible itchy rash from them. It took several weeks to show up.
  • I took them for almost 2 months and I agree that I don't think they do anything. However, as a warning, I developed a horrible rash on the upper half of my body and once it occurred to me that it was probably the pills, I stopped and the rash immediately started to go away. Apparently if you are allergic to pollen or…
  • I tried this for almost a month and while I am not sure it did anything, it did apparently give me a rash. I probably had signs of it coming on before but didn't realize it until the upper half of me was covered and very itchy. This was the only fairly new thing I had tried so I stopped it yesterday and the rash is…
  • I got the wii fit last week. I have to be careful of some of the running and jumping type exercises because I live in an apartment that is far from soundproof and I don't want to be rude to the neighbors. I was so sore for days from the gold's gym boxing but it was so much fun. It won't replace my outside walks most days…