Has U.S. pant sizes changed or am I CRAZY!

:wink: So after now losing 32 lbs I am now a size 6 sometimes a 7/8, but I mostly have been just buying 6's and they fit really nice. Either way I LOVE it and I am proud of myself!!!:drinker:
I am wondering if the sizes in the US have changed to make us feel better...I know all through high school I was a 7/8 and weighed 120 to 125. So how is it that after 4 kids and weighing in at 144 I am now a 6.

Have they changed and has anyone else noticed this change or am I just weird???? I am NOT complaining by any means, I love to say I am a 6:drinker: but I am just curious abotu the difference:wink:


  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,743 Member
    I'm sure you're right. In fact, I could have written your post!

    I've lost about 30 pounds (hovering right around 140) and I'm wearing size 6 now too. In high school, I weighed 120 and wore a size 5. The size 6 pants I've gotten recently are actually getting too big now, and the thing that sucks about that is they START at size 6. I am not so small that I should be wearing the smallest size available. That's crazy! I realize there are smaller sizes out there than 6, but they're not that easy to find. The ones I bought recently (at JCPenney) happen to start there.
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    were you buying in the JR section before and now shopping in the misses? There is a difference..just trying to help
  • Lisar97
    Lisar97 Posts: 8 Member
    I completely agree. I am wearing smaller sizes now than I did in high school too. So, they are definitely trying to make us feel better about our size. I am finding that most stores start at size 4 so I have now lost enough weight that I can't apparently shop at too many places anymore as I am in 2s and I can tell you I was never a 2 in my life. It's a frustrating yet good problem I guess.
  • sazziecee
    sazziecee Posts: 143
    Vanity sizing!

    Sizes have got bigger over the years, without the labels changing.

    Shops believe they will sell more clothes if people can get into a smaller size than they were expecting, people don't like to admit they are getting larger!

    I have a black size 14 skirt from when I was at school, it's smaller than a size 12 that you buy now from the same shop!
  • rskidmore
    rskidmore Posts: 212
    Come to Canada! Our sizes start at 0! Ridiculous.
  • bonnymom
    bonnymom Posts: 107 Member
    Yes, you are correct. There is definately "vanity sizing" amongst women's clothes. That's why you could buy 4 different brands of jeans that have the same size on the tag and some will fit and some won't.
  • meliamom
    meliamom Posts: 23
    Congrats on losing 32 pounds. I agree; most clothing sizes are approximations. Right now I'm at 159. I went to Anne Taylor loft and bought three dresses: one a six 6, the other two size 10. All fit perfectly. When I get down to my pre-preg weight (145), I can where anything between a size 4 to 10, depending on the store. That's why I rarely buy clothes online. Everything fits differently!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I've found stores have a pretty big variety in sizing from my shopping experience in the past few weeks. I can fit in size 14 shorts from Old Navy, size 12 jeans from Gap, size 12 skirts from J.Crew, and size 10 jeans from Tommy Hilfiger. It's a bit range, but stores are all different. And I have heard that in general sizes are bigger than they used to be.
  • epoeraven
    epoeraven Posts: 458 Member
    Yes, yes, yes is my answer!!!! It drives me crazy.
  • SisterC
    SisterC Posts: 121 Member
    But, wasn't it wonderful when we could buy the 'smaller' size 20 instead of having to purchase a 22 or 24?? lol Can't imagine the size I would have had to buy if it wasn't for the 'vanity' sizing...guess I am thankful for that! This subject can be looked at several ways...but, it does make it hard to shop online.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I think this is why Stacy and Clinton (What not to wear) say not to pay attention to the size and just pay attention to the fit. I agree it makes it hard to buy on line.
  • spike1380
    spike1380 Posts: 82
    Vanity sizing is annoying. My sister wears a size 0. Really wears a size 0. This vanity sizing has made it so that a size 0 is more like a size 2 or 4 and now she can't find any clothes that fit her. She buys most of her clothing at yard sales because buying jeans that are over 10 years old is the only way she can find jeans that will stay on her 'waist'.

    I wear a size 18. I should probably be a size 22 or 24. I really don't care what the number says as long as the pants fit. When I lose weight, if I fit into a size 4 I want it to be because I really fit in a size 4 - not because some clothing manufacturer thinks all women are insecure about needing to wear a size 8 or 10.
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    But, wasn't it wonderful when we could buy the 'smaller' size 20 instead of having to purchase a 22 or 24?? lol Can't imagine the size I would have had to buy if it wasn't for the 'vanity' sizing...guess I am thankful for that! This subject can be looked at several ways...but, it does make it hard to shop online.

    Ugh, I hate it! When Lane Bryant changed from regular sizes to 0-1-2-3-4-etc I was completely annoyed. I used to be able to walk in, grab a pair of size 18 jeans, and buy them without trying them on. Now that they have silly vanity sizes plus 3 different colors to dig through I have not been able to figure out what size/color I should be in. I go to their outlet stores that still sell the regular sized clothing instead of messing with that system. I think they do the same in Fasion Bug and Torid. The smaller number doesn't make me feel any better about myself. It just means I can't find pants!
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    I always tell this story when I hear people talking about how sizes have changes...

    A year or so ago I was at American Eagle. I grabbed a size 8 and a size 10 to try on and went to the dressing room. I was always a size 8 in my pre-MFP days, so I figured a 10 might be more comfortable. So, I try on the 8's and they're too small- can't even get them up. I try on the 10's- same thing... can't even pull them on. Shocked and sad, I go out and grab a 12- can't even pull them on :noway: I'm thinking "ok, something's up" so I go back out to the table where the jeans are and the woman asks if she can help me. I tell her what happened and she says "yea those jeans are on sale for $19.99. If you try on a pair of these I think you'll find that they fit better," and leads me to some full-priced jeans. I grab an 8 and try them on- they fit perfect. So, in the $20 jeans I would have had to buy at least a size 14, but if I had decided to go with the full priced jeans (almost $50) I could get an 8.

    So, clearly it's all about marketing. What size 8 person wants to go home with a size 14 pair of jeans? If you want to wear your true size you have to pay double, I guess :huh: Anyhow, this experience pretty much confirmed for me that things have changed. So, no... you're not crazy! :flowerforyou:
  • elisar9
    elisar9 Posts: 7
    Hi everyone I am proud of all you ladies, talking about going down in sizes. I am new to this sight and is the going down in sizes due to this sight, doesit really work . Gosh I hope can anyone tell me some advise so I can debate the sizes with you all :laugh: i REALLY HAVE DONE IT ALL AND SCALES GO UP AND DOWN. I need some buddies :flowerforyou: Thanks
  • justahorsen
    justahorsen Posts: 234
    My goodness yes, sizing has changed....I do a lot and I mean A LOT of sewing, and the sizing on patterns has not changed. You should see the look on girls faces when I tell them that the size 0 pants they just took off will mean that I have to sew a size 6 or 8 from an old pattern!!! Patterns go strictly by measurements and "the tape don't lie"...:laugh:
  • Families_R_Forever
    Hi everyone I am proud of all you ladies, talking about going down in sizes. I am new to this sight and is the going down in sizes due to this sight, doesit really work . Gosh I hope can anyone tell me some advise so I can debate the sizes with you all :laugh: i REALLY HAVE DONE IT ALL AND SCALES GO UP AND DOWN. I need some buddies :flowerforyou: Thanks

    YES this site is the reason that I have keep to my goals and losing weight. Just stick with the daily cals and eat your exercise cals if you can. Sometimes I just can't and sometimes I can't exercise so I just stick to my cals and it works!!! You can do it. Oh and joining the challenges really is a great motivator! I am doing two right now...walk away the pounds challenge where you set a certain goal to walk X amount of miles in one month. And lose five pounds a month challenge...this one just motivates me to eat good and exercise to get that scale to move. I have both tickers placed below...I am almost to the walking goal and the lose 5 lbs is just starting for the month so I have not moved at all yet...YOU CAN DO IT!!! Heidi
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    In high school I was a size 9 and 154 pounds. I am now 136 pounds and still a size 8/9...although I know for a fact I am smaller and have much more muscle than I did in HS when I was 20 pounds more. I think that sizes are shrinking to make us feel crappy about ourselves.

    I am in mostly size 8 now...I went in to a store last week and tried on a pair of shorts...I would have been in a 13/14 size...at 5/4, 136 pounds. There is NO WAY...if that were the case, I would have to get down to weigh 100 pounds to get in to THEIR SIZE 8, Wwhich would be way too thin for my frame.

    Sizes are crazy anymore...I dont trust any of them.
  • Melora
    Melora Posts: 65 Member
    I dont know about "vanity size" but I bought a pair of "sweetheart" jeans at Old Navy in a size 8. Went back a couple of days later to get a different wash. I had to purchase a size 10 in the same "sweetheart" jeans but in a lighter wash. Good figure!!
  • BarbieCat1
    BarbieCat1 Posts: 82
    Yes, sizes have changed. I recently took a course in fashion merchandizing and we were told that some manufacturers and retailers are doing something called vanity sizing, whereas they used to use standardized sizing across brands. They're trying to seduce people into thinking they're smaller, when in fact, it's the clothes that are larger in relation to the size labels. They're playing psychological marketing games with the public.

    Just remember, size is only a number, and that number isn't reliable. Try an experiment... go into the back of your closet and pull out some old clothes [at least 10 years old if you have them] lurking back there... measure the waist and/or hip... or bust... and then compare that measurement/size label with some new clothes of similar style You'll be amazed. But beware... there's another factor, called "ease"... that's the extra fabric necessary for wearing comfort. Some manufacturers allow more wiggle room, others skimp on that and their clothing fits snugly. Confusing, isn't it?

    Melora, you discovered another fit problem... different weight fabrics, even when cut to a manufacturer's standard size, may fit differently. Let me give you an example based on denim since you're talking about jeans.. if you cut a strip of heavyweight denim to 25 inches, it would not go around the waist of a person with a 24" waist.. the bulk of the fabric takes up room. But if you cut a 25" strip of lightweight summer denim, the strip might go around that 24" waist comfortably. Another factor is the effect of dyes. Some dyes, in certain concentrations, swell fibers. That's why even the same weight and style of denim may fit differently in different "washes".

    One thing that hasn't changed is the good old tape measure. 36" is still 36". If you track the changes in your measurements you won't go wrong. An inch is an inch is an inch.
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