

  • Congrats most of all on dumping the cigarettes! That's HUGE! And to do that while losing 35lbs is AMAZING! Which clearly you must be since you've made such a great change for your health which I'm sure was not easy! Awesome job!!
  • I have the same problem here! I keep a few pieces of fresh fruit in a bowl on my desk, a stash of healthy snacks in my desk drawer, and a couple less healthy but "better than a bagel" snacks in my desk as well, like an energy bar with chocolate on it. I also keep a supply of Greek yogurts in the fridge at work. You just…
  • I'm working on giving up negative thoughts and complaining and replacing that energy with compassion for those that drive me NUTS and thinking the best of other people. I couldn't possibly give up the Starbucks though. ;) And btw, I'm not particularly religious either. And for those that care, Lent is a time that's been in…
  • You can totally do this! I know because I'm doing it myself and I'm almost twice your age. I don't have pix to show, but I can tell you my backside looked a lot like yours does now but I transformed what I ate and how active I am and I am about halfway to slim. I just started Beach body's P90X and I have total faith that I…
  • Hey all! I just started the P90X today and was looking in the groups for anybody who's started recently and found this thread. I did the Classic version day 1 this morning, but then watched the workout for the Lean version day 1 while sitting on the couch (ha!!) and it looked like more my style than wrestling with the…
  • Wow! Great job! We are the same height and I had nearly the same start as you and the same goal. I'm half way there. Thanks for the inspiration! You look awesome! Sometimes I feel like I'll never get there but your pix are proof we can! Woo hoo for you!!
  • I do the same thing! I sit at a desk all day long. I start the day with 10-15 minutes of gentle yoga stretching, then just before lunch when my officemates are at lunch I roll out my mat and do 15 minutes of pilates as part of my lunch break. There are lots of great videos on youtube! My yoga favorites are on the…
  • Skip the mayo altogether. I make deviled eggs with a little bit of stone ground mustard (using a brand free of sugars and yucky additives) and they taste great! I'll eat 2 with a green salad for lunch. Eggs are an amazing source of protein.
  • Wow! You look absolutely gorgeous and totally happy! Great job!