deathknote Member


  • Savanah, Just incase any of your friends tell you to do a thousand crunchies, don't do it. There is absolutely no way to target a certain fat group on the body. Your body will burn all regions of fat at equal rates except for your spare tire region. For some reason, not sure why, but the body burns that part last. So to…
  • i'm currently also losing my body fat while gaining muscle. I have lost 10 lbs in about 2 weeks. I'm loving the results so far. Right now i do 30 minutes of cardio in the morning. I read that you can burn a additional 20% of body fat if you do cardio in the morning before eating. This is due to the lack of carbs in the…
  • What about Muscle suppliments? I log the proteinauppliments i take, but i don't log the thermo pills or the recovery powders. You think i should be?
  • What i like to do is low weight high rep. I also like to do super sets becouse it takes up less time. And when you only have a hour of PT time, you make the most of it. so here is what i do. Bicep free weight curls: 15-20 lbs. 20-30 reps. Tricep over head extension with both arms holding one weight( place weight over and…