

  • Amen to that now i may introduce them as my boyfriend or husband then use their name but never just husband its as demeaning as calling me their woman
  • I'm a D myself and people are always telling me to go put on a shirt that covers my chest and b/c theyre really hard for me to find unless theyre up to my neck (which i always feel like are choking me) my response is usually ill be sure to do that when you go find me one, so honestly since you dont wear it around kids or…
  • I haven't exactly stopped but i have done it less recently. For starters i did what you did and stopped buying snack foods like chips and ice cream (which i should admit almost killed me) and unfortunately my family does like junk food so i have to be really careful about which cabinets i go into when no ones home, but…
  • i totally feel you on this one, once i was trying on a bikini to decide if i wanted to keep it or not, then when my family asked why i didnt want to keep it i said because i was over weight, and my step dad told me if i wasn't so lazy that i wouldnt be over weight. I was so mad at him for it and i started to cry. this was…