Men Are Husbands, Not "Hubbys"



  • anhepler
    anhepler Posts: 4
    Amen to that now i may introduce them as my boyfriend or husband then use their name but never just husband its as demeaning as calling me their woman
  • kthomison
    kthomison Posts: 6
    I use the nickname hubs on occasion...but it is out of love...nothing less! I've never heard a woman use it in a negative least not yet. I try not to associate with women who don't like their husbands...stay away from mine! :-)
  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    I loves my hubby!

    He can call me his wifey if he wants :-)

    We've been together for 16 years. He's earned the right to be called my hubby.
  • JenAiMarres
    JenAiMarres Posts: 767 Member
    Hubs FtW. How is a thread from November revived?????
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    When I'm typing or talking I tend to use hubby more, like "My hubby does this....." I don't call him hubby directly, He's Jeremy, or my Jerbear (I'm his hunybear). I call him by his name, because his friends call him TZ and I hate that and I'm pretty much the only person other than family, that uses his real name.
  • JuneBPrice
    JuneBPrice Posts: 294 Member
    I don't think I'd ever call a man my "hubby," but I don't think it's condescending. Just way too cutesy.
  • Wpbarr
    Wpbarr Posts: 142 Member
    Hmm .. hubby is just one letter away from hobby, and an expensive one at that. Still, hubby and hobby are a step up from walking wallet.
  • nsnchz
    nsnchz Posts: 6 Member
    I think the one I find annoying is "Old man" and "Old lady." That drives me bonkers. I have been married for 4 years and I don't think I've referred my husband, Ben, as hubby. That's just.. odd. I don't mind wifey though. "my girl" on the other hand, drives me crazy because I am a woman, not a girl lol. But I won't get offended by what others call their signifcant others, just make sure your special person knows what you do and do not like to be called. :)
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    ...and, when the occasion warrants, my hubtard.

    Do NOT ever tell my wife this one. That would be my permanent nickname. Apparently the occasion warrants all too frequently in our household. :laugh:
  • winninga
    winninga Posts: 77 Member
    I don't see why it is such a big deal. It is just an abbreviation. As a woman, being called 'the ball and chain', my 'bird' and my 'missus' is however offensive (not saying that you do this)
    That and 'my old lady'. That makes my blood boil. But Hubby, Wifey - neither bother me but don't ever remember my Darling Husband every calling each other either of those names. We were Momma & Daddy or Nana & Papa which I know drives some nuts. Of course my DH passed away 2 1/2 yr ago so I'd even love to hear him call me his 'old lady.'

    Exactly, we get so caught up on the little stuff sometimes, and forget the big picture.
  • LiftBigtoGetFit
    LiftBigtoGetFit Posts: 3,399 Member
    it's all about the relationship and context, my wife could call me sh*thead for all I care, I know she is either joking around with me or maybe she really likes *kitten* :tongue: . either way no need to be upset over whatever pet name your spouse calls you as long as it is out of love, it is part of relationships.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I agree completely - When i hear another female use the term "hubby"...i cringe. I think it also makes females sound unintelligent
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    I call my husband hubby and he has silly pet names for me. We are a completely relaxed, informal sort of couple with a good sense of humor and that kind of stuff doesn't bother us in the least. As long as he's not calling me a vulgar name I don't care. Seriously, people are way too uptight these days!
  • TheAncientMariner
    TheAncientMariner Posts: 444 Member
    I hate it. It sounds condescending and "soccer momish" to me.
  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member
    it's all about the relationship and context, my wife could call me sh*thead for all I care, I know she is either joking around with me or maybe she really likes *kitten* :tongue: . either way no need to be upset over whatever pet name your spouse calls you as long as it is out of love, it is part of relationships.

    My first pet name for my husband was butthead. And I call my kids my little buttheads. All out of love and affection.
  • chlorisaann
    chlorisaann Posts: 366 Member
    When I was in a college fraternity, the old joke was it was a "fraternity" not a "frat" because you would never shorten the word "country." (Maybe I have the joke wrong...that's what college partying will do!)

    Anyway, as a man, I do not like it when women refer to their spouse as their "hubby." I'm sure in most cases it's meant well, but in many it's not. I'm talking about the women who don't particular like their husbands (and I've talked to some of you so I know you're out there!)

    But either way, I find "hubby" to be a touch condescending as a man. I have a feeling most women would feel the same way if all of them were referred to as "wifey" in each instance.

    I realize most of you mean it as a term of endearment and it's shorter, but that doesn't mean it can't be nails on a chalkboard to me. Could I be the ONLY person that feels this way?

    (Let the flaming begin.....)

    My Hubby does call me Wifey on a reg basis thank you very much!!! niether of us has a prob with it!!
  • sinandbone
    sinandbone Posts: 2 Member
    I hate the word hubby so much! I think just because of the way it sounds, and a lot of women I've heard say it, use it in almost a condescending sort of way, like it's a pet name for their dog. I just don't like it :/
  • recoiljpr
    recoiljpr Posts: 292
    My wife and I have been married 12 years and together 15. The only time I ever hear my real name is when I am in trouble, or one of the kids did something really bad.

    I'm surprised the term hubby bothers you that much. But, I understand we are all different. I just know my wife and I have dozens of names/terms/etc we use for each other. It's our thing, and I know she loves me, so if I get called something, I know it's in jest, and it's the same for her.

    Last night she called me her big Galoot (remember Ren and Stimpy?) and I called her my little chicken legged wonder. We tease each other, and it's just the way we are. I know that doesn't work for everyone, but with both of our personalities, the teasing is what lets each of us know we are happy. It's when the little teases stop, that there is an underlying problem.
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    I agree completely - When i hear another female use the term "hubby"...i cringe. I think it also makes females sound unintelligent

    Ha, you can make a judgement on someone's intelligence based on the fact they call their husband "hubby"... well knok me down.. you mus be a reel cleva fela thar...

    In addition to hubbie, I also calll my husband boo boo, honey, darl, love, poohead, bubba, and other things, I must be the stoooopidest woman up in this place :(
  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member
    I hate the word hubby so much! I think just because of the way it sounds, and a lot of women I've heard say it, use it in almost a condescending sort of way, like it's a pet name for their dog. I just don't like it :/

    It seems to me like anything they call their husbands would sound like that if that's their attitude.

    I call my husband "The Hubs" or simply "Husband" when I talk to people. I hope they don't think I'm trying to demean him.