Men Are Husbands, Not "Hubbys"



  • futiledevices
    futiledevices Posts: 309 Member
    hubby and wifey are equally annoying, but if mrs. and mr. smith want to call each other hubby and wifey, they can go right ahead.. as long as I don't have to listen to it.
  • wifeyy
    wifeyy Posts: 487 Member
    I think this is personal preference. My husband refers to himself as my hubby. It's a term of endearment.

    Totally agree!
  • MîîśÊmÿłõü
    MîîśÊmÿłõü Posts: 285 Member
    i dont see the big deal ...i call my Husband "Hubby"and he will call me "Wifey" he likes it and so do it,
    its a personal choice, and all how you take it really. each to their own!
  • Tisha247
    Tisha247 Posts: 849 Member
    As an aussie we shorten everything, like 'this afternoon, becomes this arvo" etc etc I could go on and on with this. Hubby is just a shortened name for husband, Australian men call their wives "the misses" How would you like that?
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    Is it really anyone's business what someone calls their significant other? If you are a said husband not wanting to be called "hubby" tell your wife other than that who cares -_- Your not in the relationship so its not really your concern.
  • MîîśÊmÿłõü
    MîîśÊmÿłõü Posts: 285 Member
    As an aussie we shorten everything, like 'this afternoon, becomes this arvo" etc etc I could go on and on with this. Hubby is just a shortened name for husband, Australian men call their wives "the misses" How would you like that?

    He probably wouldnt lol
  • claire_xox
    claire_xox Posts: 282 Member
    i love how college partying leads to jokes about grammer ..... wow american frat's (:P sorry) aren't as wild as they appear in the movies! pretty dissapointed.
  • Charger440
    Charger440 Posts: 1,474 Member
    It matters not to me...It's just a word and the way we use words now days just pisses to many people off cause we've all gone soft and whiny. That's my two cents that prolly aint worth two cents.
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    I could call him worse things!!! I sometimes call him my hubby as much as I sometimes refer to my children as the kids (my HUSBAND calls them the quads since we had 4 in under 18 months and that not correct either) My HUSBAND calls me bubby at home which is lucky since 'tubby' is closer and I only ever really refer to him as my hubby in a 3rd party sort of manner. At home miserable git or Oi seems to work.

    Seriously though. We all use a bastardised version of the English language when and how it suits us (please see last weeks Australian language lesson thread), its not a lack or respect it is how our language and way of communicating is evolving.

    I know that it really doesn't bother my husband if I call him my hubby when I'm talking about him just as long as his shirts are pressed, there are cold beers in the fridge and he has a hot dinner waiting for him when he gets home. Hubby, husband, significant other, boyfriend, baby daddy, other half.....some things never change!
  • Foxx1962
    A husband is a man. A Hubby is like a cute little puppy wuppy...
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    awww but such a cute ickle puppy wuppy
  • PBJunky
    PBJunky Posts: 737 Member
    As an aussie we shorten everything, like 'this afternoon, becomes this arvo" etc etc I could go on and on with this. Hubby is just a shortened name for husband, Australian men call their wives "the misses" How would you like that?

    Going to have a hard time understanding aussies when I move there
  • claire_xox
    claire_xox Posts: 282 Member
    As an aussie we shorten everything, like 'this afternoon, becomes this arvo" etc etc I could go on and on with this. Hubby is just a shortened name for husband, Australian men call their wives "the misses" How would you like that?

    Going to have a hard time understanding aussies when I move there

    No dramas mate all blokes and sheilas think we;ve got a few kangaroos loose in the top paddock when they first arrive which is a fair shake of the sauce bottle and they have buckleys at understanding us. But you'll catch on, have a barbie, play some footy and we'll treat ya as fair dinkum true blue as long as you don't get balls up and become a bit of a galah. Is your ball and chain aussie?
  • lumberjacks94
    lumberjacks94 Posts: 135 Member
    Holy crap! When I first posted this I didn't even know if anybody would read it, let alone 250+ responses. It seems to be split down the middle from what I can tell.....We all have too much time on our hands, huh?
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    My husband likes when I call him "Husband" "Hubby" "Hubster" "Hunny" "Kevie" "Kev" and his full name "Kevin"

    I like when he calls me "Wife" "The Wife" "Hippie Wife" "Silly Wife" "Skinny Wife" "Sweetie" "Sweetheart" and my not so full name "Tonni"

    So if he can call me The Wife I can call him Hubby.
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    I've always thought that the term was kind of annoying myself, but to each their own. However, my threshold for "annoying" or "offensive" might be a little higher than most; my previous marriage was to a man who was sexist to the core and thought all women should be in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant.

    I think it's not so much WHAT is said, as it is HOW it's said.
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    WOW !!! who the fu*k cares ? what it's called..don't hassle people for their preference of words..get over it and stfu
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    WOW !!! who the fu*k cares ? what it's called..don't hassle people for their preference of words..get over it and stfu

    I agree that we shouldn't deride people over their choice of words, but neither should we deride those who choose to disagree with that choice.
  • kirstiey
    kirstiey Posts: 243
    Some funny comments about "smug marrieds"

    If you seriously think some people get married for a big old rock or to prance around in a frock then open your eyes a bit, my wedding ring cost under 100 quid & I didn't have one for the first 2 years of marraige & we married in a registry office alone.

    I married for love & if you think that makes me smug then so be it. Rather be smug that a judgmental *kitten* any day

    Yeah - this :)

    Some of you need to read a post properly! It isn't saying all married people are smug....geez louise! Get off your high horse!
  • gettingskinnysoon
    My parents have been married for 27 years, and I've never ever heard them call each other "hubby" or "wifey." Usually they call eachother by their names, and if my dad ever caught mum calling him "hubby", he'd probably just be like what?