Men Are Husbands, Not "Hubbys"



  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I can see just being annoyed with the word itself, but I've never actually heard heard it used in a derogatory way. Examples?
  • SixCatFaerie
    SixCatFaerie Posts: 690 Member
    I use hubby all the time - just as he uses wifey. We both see it as a term of endearment - after 17 years we have several!

    That said if I'm talking to people I don't know well then its husband but within our close circle he's hubby and I'm wifey.

    Yep, us too. I call him Baby, he calls me Babe. I call him Hubby or Husband, he calls me The Wife or Woman. We both call each other "Person I'm Married To" (that one freaks people out! Ha!)

    I think it is a natural thing that just happens over time all meant as terms of endearment. I was of the opinion when I was younger that pet names were stupid & that I'd never do that kind of thing. My husband was like that too. Now here we are 17.5 years later & we like calling each other things other than our names.

    Granted, in public it is a different story depending on who is around. To each their own!
  • Lisa_222
    Lisa_222 Posts: 301 Member
    We forget we are not all girls here, since we are the majority. Between us, it is not meant as a put down, its more of a women bonding term and furthermore, It's just a shortcut. But it isn't one we frequently use in mixed company. I could not care less what my husband calls me with his guy friends. I'm sure wifey would be the nicest thing, lol. But i realize the weight it carries really has more to do with his relationship with his friends than it would have to actually do with me.
  • Misiaxcore
    Misiaxcore Posts: 659 Member
    I don't think I would get used to having a husband, if and when I get married. I'll probably still say he's my boyfriend:embarassed:
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    I can't pick what other people call their spouses, but 'hubby" does grate on me a bit. *shrug* When I talk TO my husband, I call him Babe, Hon, Sweetie, or other names that aren't polite but really are just as affectionate. Those names have histories behind them, therefore they have meaning behind them. Hm - guess that could be the case w/ "hubby", too.

    When I talk ABOUT him I use his real first name.

    It irritates me NO end to be referred to hear a woman referred to as The Wife...a friend of my husband's talks about his wife this way and it drives me nuts. I guess because it doesn't signify any sort of relationship. The Wife is someone walking down the street; My Wife is specifically that person that you are committed to, if that makes sense.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Some funny comments about "smug marrieds"

    If you seriously think some people get married for a big old rock or to prance around in a frock then open your eyes a bit, my wedding ring cost under 100 quid & I didn't have one for the first 2 years of marraige & we married in a registry office alone.

    I married for love & if you think that makes me smug then so be it. Rather be smug that a judgmental *kitten* any day
    Well, you just better call him by his NAME and not refer to him as your husband, because calling him your husband is smug and nasty and mean and stuff.
  • MusicKeepsMeSane
    I totally agree! I can't stand when women refer to their husbands as "hubby's" there's a reason they say husband and wife, not hubby and wife/ wifey. When I get married I can be very sure that I will never use the word hubby to talk about the husband. It's just as annoying to me when people use "sissy" for sister.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    all that matters is two things: 1) the intent, and 2) whether or not the person it is directed to is OK with it.

    my dad is michael, but don't call him mike. it's not his name, and it offends him even if the name mike isn't offensive on a stand alone basis.

    it doesn't matter what my wife and i call each other, as long as WE are ok with it. it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.
    Interesting. Care to comment in this thread?
  • MzMiller1215
    MzMiller1215 Posts: 633 Member
    I think hubby is used as a term of endearment... When I refer to my husband when talking to friends or when I post about him I say "hubby".. When I'm speaking to him or calling out for him I say "babe"... When I'm talking about him to people I don't really know I call him by his first name... When he's talking to me he calls me "babe"... When he refers to me to his friends he calls me wifey...

    We are that touchy feely, kiss in public, hold hands, hug, laugh out loud couple and don't care one bit how it makes others feel... This works for us and I LOVE IT!!!!

  • MzMiller1215
    MzMiller1215 Posts: 633 Member
    Ive been called a lot worse, so it doesnt bother me at all. Call me anything you want as long as you call me to the dinner table!!

    :laugh: :laugh:
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    Someone also mentioned the smugness that the marrieds pull with the hubby word. I agree. Like seriously biotch get over it. I see your big ol ring...who cares. I'd rather get a video game system or a big ol flat screen TV with the money spent on a rock, yo.

    Is this seriously how some people think? Like there is a huge group of married people out there that want to flash their bling? Yeah...I'll strap my plasma to my back and carry around my geeky husbands gaming systems as well to prove some sort of point. ( we worked damn hard to have what we have AND be able to celebrate our commitment to eachother with a wedding.)

    Oh man...such a simple original post trailing right off the tracks...
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 847 Member
    Just to clarify, I use hubby or The Mr when typing on a forum like this, in real life I call him daddy as it got too much when our toddler started referring to him by his first name so I started using Daddy & hubby started calling me Mummy, now our kid is a bit older we still call each other these names cause it's funny as *kitten* to see some peoples reaction.

    Is even funnier when we are in Thailand (his home country). I will call out "paau kha" to get his attention & as when said by an adult woman to her adult male lover can be VERY suggestive makes for a good for a laugh amongst our friends. Neither of us could care less if someone gets their draws in a twist over it though.
  • livnlite
    livnlite Posts: 520
    I really only find it annoying when people do that when they're not married. I'm like,'re calling your boyfriend your Hubby? Don't him first? hehe! Besides that, just don't tell me your "preggers" because THAT one annoys the crap out of me.

    Two people who are not legally bound by marriage can be legally bound together by law in some areas of the world. Living together can offer some of the very same 'rights' and 'benefits' as if they were married. Laws that govern this relationship are typically provincial (in Canada) or governed by the state (in the USA) This is referred to as living "common law" or a "domestic partnership". That is not girlfriend/boyfriend. So, in reality the terms "Husband' or "Wife" .. or any derivative thereof, CAN legitimately be used when two people are not married., as long as they are living together as a family.
  • supertracylynn
    supertracylynn Posts: 1,338 Member
    I mostly shorten because the iPad and phones kinda suck to type on...

    When I'm happy with him, he's my hubby.

    When I'm pissed, he's "the hub".
    (think hubcap)
  • livnlite
    livnlite Posts: 520
    Someone also mentioned the smugness that the marrieds pull with the hubby word. I agree. Like seriously biotch get over it. I see your big ol ring...who cares. I'd rather get a video game system or a big ol flat screen TV with the money spent on a rock, yo.

    Is this seriously how some people think? Like there is a huge group of married people out there that want to flash their bling? Yeah...I'll strap my plasma to my back and carry around my geeky husbands gaming systems as well to prove some sort of point. ( we worked damn hard to have what we have AND be able to celebrate our commitment to eachother with a wedding.)

    Oh man...such a simple original post trailing right off the tracks...

    I can't agree more! "Smug marrieds?" .. Really? I can only assume that poster was not referring to all married folk. I am an OLD broad .. and been married for over 35 years .. I don't EVER recall flashin the bling .. Not back then, not now .. Somehow, I picture ol granny and grampa getting all up in their stuff, flash'n the bling .. LOL .. What a visual .. That's just comical.
  • JaysBlondeBrownie
    JaysBlondeBrownie Posts: 64 Member
    Someone also mentioned the smugness that the marrieds pull with the hubby word. I agree. Like seriously biotch get over it. I see your big ol ring...who cares. I'd rather get a video game system or a big ol flat screen TV with the money spent on a rock, yo.

    Is this seriously how some people think? Like there is a huge group of married people out there that want to flash their bling? Yeah...I'll strap my plasma to my back and carry around my geeky husbands gaming systems as well to prove some sort of point. ( we worked damn hard to have what we have AND be able to celebrate our commitment to eachother with a wedding.)

    Oh man...such a simple original post trailing right off the tracks...

    I can't agree more! "Smug marrieds?" .. Really? I can only assume that poster was not referring to all married folk. I am an OLD broad .. and been married for over 35 years .. I don't EVER recall flashin the bling .. Not back then, not now .. Somehow, I picture ol granny and grampa getting all up in their stuff, flash'n the bling .. LOL .. What a visual .. That's just comical.
    Thank you! When I look at my ring, I think of 18 yrs of love, laughter, children, good times, tears.... not some how I may be sticking it to some bitter, unknown single person.
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    It is just a word (not negative). I don't think I would ever use it simply because I dislike the sound, but if other people want to use it, who cares.

    In Japan, a survey showed that men would prefer their wives to call them, "Master." Frankly, if calling my husband Master made him happy, I would do it. It is just a word, and not meant in a negative context.


    I'd totally call my bf or husband "Master". I find it hot. :-P
  • JujiBean
    JujiBean Posts: 187
    I only ever viewed it (and heard it) as a term of endearment when i was married or when I've heard my female friends refer to their spouse. It's just a word. There are worse things that a person can be called. I don't see the big deal.

    I've been married to my wonderful Hubby for 31's a term or endearment, one that is PC, not like our "other" terms of enderament that are not so "G rated." It's a word. Surely there are bigger issues in this world than how we refer to each other!
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    I am not married but my husband would simply be my husband.
