Geekyfatgirl Member


  • I'm just curious to find out which is more 'effective' in terms of losing fat.
  • you're burning calories. Every day no matter what you do, you're burning calories. Just because you don't sweat does not mean you're not burning any. If you're not sweating during your jog, could just simply mean that you're used to it, that your heart rate isn't in over drive and it's pretty light on you, that's all. But…
  • I have the Polar FT7 HRM. If you buy it from the polar store, it's pretty pricey, but if you get it from Bestbuy or another retailer, you can find it for half the cost. I also bought the Polar sync with it too, so I can put the watch on that and watch it sync to the computer and show me what I'm doing.
  • thank you everyone for the input. I think I was just a little curious on how things go, I appreciate the feed back.
  • Oh I see, I think that would help a lot. I really just didn't want it to double the calories from my workout to make me believe I burned way more than I did.
  • Any suggestions could help. Wondering if I should get the HRM as well, or if that would interfere.
  • I actually lost a lot of weight on the Yourshape Fitness for Xbox Kinect. I would say it's a really good investment honestly, at least in my opinion! Besides they are fun, and show how much you've changed over time. I haven't seen the other fitness free workouts but I am sure if they are like the yourshape fitness, it…
  • The weight they supply me with I'm assuming is to reach my goal of losing body fat per my weight and height. They started light with 10 but I set it to 15 because that gave me more of a challenge, the second time around they increase the weight slightly to 17.5 however I can't find dumbells at that weight and the next one…
  • That was something I honestly had no idea about as I've heard people say to eat more, and others to say continue with the same deficit. That does help me though, since I've been trying to educate myself about this resting day period and what foods help speed up recovery. =D
  • jicama fries...saw it in a paleo book, they look like actual French fries, nice and crispy and yum...when you bite into's like...ehh..heh...ok...not what I was's like a French fry covered in syrup....bleh.
  • True. I guess when it comes to me I just don't know what will work best for me personally. I'm eating too much or too little or not enough protein too many carbs. This is where I think I just fail at understanding. true TDEE I tend to not eat back calories and the map method wants you to. I'm just n
  • yes. I have a scale in which I weigh my meats and veggies on as well as a measuring cup and table spoons. The only time I have to guess is when I eat at relatives. They don't measure, they just cook and serve so I eat in smaller portions. Some things are hard to measure out like olive oil if you use it to fry your food.…
  • Alright so basically what I can take away from this is to keep it as a guideline and try it out. I think I'll try it for the 4-5 weeks and see how that goes. I don't eat much junkfood, that is, chips icecream, cake and really processed foods. I do go out to eat but I'm usually getting steak and a sweet potato and bread…
  • Oh right, I guess I should have put in the numbers which would help lol. I put down I was a 27 year old female, 5' 7.5" weighing at 190 with 33% bf. I set my TDEE at -20% my goals are carbs-203g protein- 127g fat- 50g per day. I do know that the scale won't really budge for me, but what I want to do is lose inches. I want…
  • yes I've heard high protein is the way to go for lean muscle mass. It does make you full for long periods of time though! 6 Oz steak and bacon with a fried egg on top will keep me going good all night lol! I think I'll try these macros out then. I just wanted others opinions.
  • I wouldn't judge my diary too harshly, days I only log 500 call I eat more than that, it's just that my boyfriend or mom or someone else made the food and I had no idea what portions they used or how to properly log it. I don't always make my own food and sometimes we eat at a relatives place which logging call intake is…
  • I just started maybe about a week and a half ago, I just wondered if this was normal or maybe I went to hard
  • Alright I'll try that. I work out 3 times a week 1 upper body 2 lower body and 3 fullbody, try for working out money wed and friday
  • I use the app pump up which has me do squats weighed lunges, and some weight resistance. With the dumbells the weights range from 12 lbs to 15lbs. 3 sets of 12. The lunges and squats kill me lol. I did shoulder press with 12 lbs for 12 reps. Slowly I've been getting better but my body wants to shut down for a while.
  • That's great advice! I too am embarrassed around others but thinking about that is a good idea.
  • There is an app called pump up. I've got that on my phone and it's awesome! You can chose to do weights at home or gym or away, chose the equipment, duration, and type of muscles targeted. I'd say look into it and try it out! If you do my name is Dsieda and you can add me on there.
  • I think I've tried the TDEE method before, but it usually caused me to maintain my weight. The 1200 cals a day worked for about a week or two, but even eating them back, I was STARVING afterwards. That's never fun hehe.
  • hmmm I suppose that is doable, though I would have to burn a lot if I want to eat more. XD And lifting weights doesn't burn as much as I wish it would. :P gotta put an extra 30 minutes into that cardio then I guess. I just always find 1200 carbs to be so little.
  • What?! This means I can have my mini pumpkin pie blizzard?! WHOOO!
  • Your shape 2012 for xbox has an awesome yoga routine inside that I never tried out before until recently. It's a lot of fun and shows if you're doing the moves right.
  • My weight has been fluctuating against me but I'm not giving up. Some inches are melting so yay!!
  • During the day my friend shekoda and I go trick or treaying with her younger sister who has muscular dystrophy. We do this giant candy trade which means we all go as a group, then meet back at the house. Everyone goes through their bag and finds what they don't want and tosses it in the middle. Then we take turns picking…
  • I believe I may have PCOS since my periods are always irregular. Sometimes I could go months without one I I don't take BC for it or any kind of meds. But I have realized within the last few months they've been popping up, perhaps not every 28 days, sometimes 30+ but the first 2 days are terrible. I will cramp for like 2…
  • I've found luckily my chest stayed the same! In fact it just appears bigger because most of everything else shrunk lol. I'm still going to do my weights and continue on. It's taken me this long to get here, I've got a bit more time left lol. I'm still learning about what nutrition is right for my goals so this is a…
  • An odd thing I found about rest. For a whole week I had been stuck at 177. Took a week off of exercise and droppped to 175. It was odd but I think rest can play a part.