sarajaxon Member


  • I have started my first fast and I am just starting Day 4. It is very hard but totally worth it. I find it hard not to be tempted to use a lot of fruit, I always want to make it sweeter, but so far I have kept the fruits to a minimum. Making, packing and carrying enough juice for my long hours at work is the hardest part.…
  • Hi everyone! I will be starting my first juice fast on Friday. Right now I am getting my caffeine down to zero (still at a 12 oz cup of coffee per day!) Tomorrow I will go down to 8 and Friday none. I would love support and advice. Juice on!
  • hi there. we have all been in that spot, so you are not alone. i was so unhealthy and depressed in jan that it took all i had to get out of bed and put a smile onmy face for my family, then i would waddle off to work and live through my day with shame. i was at 259. i really get the part about being overwhelmed and where…
  • Me too ladies. Food thoughts are constant and often lead to food seeking for me. I have been working with a food addiction therapist since Feb. Between that AND exercise, it is getting better, but the minute I decrease the exercise, it is back back back! In the past, I have actually had food obsessions, meaning I could not…
  • 2 days is just a drop in the bucket! when i have aday like that, i let myself enjoy and savor every bite! then i get back on track. dont worry yourself! how long will it be before you can do your preferred exercises?
  • Hi Tammy, I agree with our sweet nomorefa friend Karen. I see a food addict therapist, just since jan of this year and it does help. but not in the way i thought it would. so sick with it. i felt like there was no hope, and i mean exactly that, none. I cried asking my clinician if she thought there really was hope for me,…
  • I am sooooooo psyched you guys! I love love love your ideas! Now maybe I can enjoy my salads again without the guilt! I will report back on some of my favs after trying some out! As far as the homemade dressings go, I wonder, do they keep? Do you make a fresh batch for each salad, or each week? And do you recommend a…
  • I do not think you have to figure that out to start a healthy journey. Food has always been a coping mechanism for me, and a HUGE boredom issue. Lots of times we don't know why we do it, and not all the research out there says there is an actual reason. There is not always an event or problem that is the root cause. Most…
  • Hi smartmom, it's Sara. I am obese too.... On exercise days I burn between 700 and 1000 (on average). So maybe you try shooting for that and if you need a weekly goal you could multiply by the number of days you plan to workout. Just a thought. Take care of yourself! Let me know how you figure it out in the end!
  • Hi Kathy..... Yes, I will say the FA circuit is gruelling...... I could never stick to it, I hated calling my sponsor, and I do not plan well, so having to tell her what I would eat for the day was miserable (and half the time I lied). I have three close friends who have lost tons of weight in FA. The meetings three times…
  • isn't that the truth.....
  • I am so grateful for all the responses! OK, so here is my picture. I will never accept it. I feel so ashamed of that image. By the grace of God and this on line community I hope to regain my pride. Love and peace to all!
  • Hanna! What a crazy story! Did your skin ever adjust to fit your body again? How di you lose the weight so darn fast the first time?
  • Wow. You have all been so great. Thanks to those of you who offered some friendship on the site! It is nice to learn about how others get through things and how we perceive things. I know I am so self conscious. I even had my picture on the website and took it off! I am working hard and I am so appreciative of your thoghts…
  • Had a sun dried tomato wrap wit turkey, swiss, veggies and ranch dressing. I plugged all the ingredients in and end up over 600 calories!!!! That's way too much on 1200 cals per day. Wasn't worth it and I certainly won't do that again!