twaltemade Member


  • I am in week one, and to answer your question so far it is worth far more than the price for motivating me. Since I tend to obsess on my MFP calorie status (android, ipad and computer) to insure that I am on target, the linking between the Fitbit and MFP is what drives me. Any time that I look at MFP, I am reminded of my…
  • No lactose (or casein - the other problem in dairy) in almond or coconut milk, but it does provide protein and calcium.
  • I like the 40 calorie unsweetended vanilla almond milk in my coffee. However, for the closest thing to real milk, I am still a fan of the SoDelicious brand of Unsweetend Vanilla Coconut milk. Coconut milk is much closer to the taste of real milk IMO. It's only 45 calories per cup, but it's not readily available at my local…
  • I was in the same situation as you last week. Out of frustration, I hired a personal trainer last Friday and he pointed out two big mistakes that I was making that was hindering my progress that I wanted to share. Firstly, he had me start MFP and I quickly learned how poorly that I was choosing my food. I did not eat alot…