

  • totally know where you are coming from, I mean when you have eaten tofu and salad all day everyday for the past week, you think for sure you have lost something, then the scale laughs back at you, it sucks for sure, and I totally feel like running to Mcdonalds and saying, "Whatever" I am eatin a cheeseburger, but be…
  • I did a spell to lose weight, then I told my husband I did a spell and now I am afraid I broke it because I told sombody about it. Can this happen? Can your spell get weaker if you tell someone about it.
  • it's funny, cause if you were really positive you would have focused on my letter, not those three little words, that I obviosly didn't mean to hurt anyone anyway, could have commented on what I wrote and mabey mentioned "Nicley" that I should have deleted it, I would have been glad to.
  • just wondering, need help with somthing
  • you can get egg beaters, put them in a bowl, stick them in the microwave, when they come out put some good spices on them, mabey a tomato and yum! Somtimes I put fat free cheese on top. The Light n Fit yogert with splenda is great. I have diabetes and it dosn't raise my blood sugars at all!
  • this is all a journy for us. Losing weight is just somthing we have to go through for some reason or anouther. Don't mean to get into religion or anything, but whatever God or Goddess you pray to has a reason your stuck in this boat. The point is you have to figure what that reason is on this long journy of yours, mabey…
  • Sent this out on the newbie topic but thought I should post it here too: we can do it. I was going to write I can do it, but we are all on this planet together so I thought I would be thoughtful and say We, instead of I. Anyway, I was out jogging tonight, around 9:30pm and was thinking I should write something positive for…
  • I am a diabetic and I can tell you that apples and bananas don't raise my blood sugar as much as other fruits. Apples are high in fiber, which slows down the rate at which your body burns food and bananas are reallly high in potassium to help keep your energy up. I am not a medical prof. but have been diabetic for 15 years…
  • we can do it. I was going to write I can do it, but we are all on this planet together so I thought I would be thoughtful and say We, instead of I. Anyway, I was out jogging tonight, around 9:30pm and was thinking I should write something positive for all of you on this site to help keep us all going, you know give…