Already discouraged

I didn't lose any weight this week and I know I should give it time but I have been counting my calories properly and stuck to my 1200 calorie goal and I even eat more food when I have been exercising. I know I only exercise about 30-40 minutes 4x a week but its hard for me since I have Fibro and I have to go very slowly...and sometimes if I dont do a workout every day, I am totally stiff for my next walk on the treadmill.

I am going to continue what I am doing because I am eating much healthier than I have been recently and its a good life change but I just thought the science part would work in my favour, you know. If I eat my 1200 calories a week, that is my 500 cal/day per deficit right there.

I know, i know. Just stick with it and I am sure next week will be a better week for me.


  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    I didn't lose any weight this week and I know I should give it time but I have been counting my calories properly and stuck to my 1200 calorie goal and I even eat more food when I have been exercising. I know I only exercise about 30-40 minutes 4x a week but its hard for me since I have Fibro and I have to go very slowly...and sometimes if I dont do a workout every day, I am totally stiff for my next walk on the treadmill.

    I am going to continue what I am doing because I am eating much healthier than I have been recently and its a good life change but I just thought the science part would work in my favour, you know. If I eat my 1200 calories a week, that is my 500 cal/day per deficit right there.

    I know, i know. Just stick with it and I am sure next week will be a better week for me.
  • peacefulwarrior
    Have you ever check your body measurements? Sometimes you will not see any change on the scales but may see it in the inches, whether it be from your arms, hips or any other part of your body. Most important how have you been feeling? Yes, maybe this time you have seen no change, but do you feel better, if yes then something is going your way, and will all come in time.
  • trishara
    Don't be. Your eating healthy and that's the most important part. The weight will come off. I am also dealing with a sickness too and it's tuff. But you'll do it!
  • filergirl
    filergirl Posts: 240
    Do not get discouraged. I have been there. Big-picture thinking, small daily victories. You can do it.

  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    Thanks. I know it shouldn't be the scale that ultimately matters but I feel like that scale is my motivation. And I want to see it go down, even if its 1/2 lb a just has to go down! lol

    I think I need to overcome some fears and buy some stuff to go swimming. I went with a friend once but I couldn't bear to wear a bathing suit. That is what is keeping me from going down to the pool everyday. Swimming might be a better option for me than just walking on a treadmill...boring old treadmill.
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    Have you ever check your body measurements? Sometimes you will not see any change on the scales but may see it in the inches, whether it be from your arms, hips or any other part of your body. Most important how have you been feeling? Yes, maybe this time you have seen no change, but do you feel better, if yes then something is going your way, and will all come in time.

    I AM feeling better and healthier. I was prescribed some new pain killers and I was reading about how it might add weight gain and I was totally unhappy about that but I am sure any weight gain due to pain killers is purely psychological.

    I do feel healthier and I hope it leads to a thinner me.
  • NurseBarb
    NurseBarb Posts: 183 Member
    Are you taking measurements?
  • karathrace
    Hmm maybe you measured yourself when you're at your heaviest? I know I shouldn't even look at a scale after breakfast :D
  • kellyhough17
    this is all a journy for us. Losing weight is just somthing we have to go through for some reason or anouther. Don't mean to get into religion or anything, but whatever God or Goddess you pray to has a reason your stuck in this boat. The point is you have to figure what that reason is on this long journy of yours, mabey you have to learn to love yourself more or you feel guilty for some reason or anouther, whatever the case this road/ journy you are on will repair that which is broken. Whew enough of that deep crap, :bigsmile: keep up the good work and read my story "We can do it" posted here. That should help, and don't worry, I havn't lost anything either, I get on that damn scale to often and get frusterated. I also have diabetes and have to stick myself 4 times a day with a needle filled with insulin that makes me gain weight, :grumble: anyway, keep talking to people, relax and know you ARE doing somthing good for yourself just by being here on this site and you ARE making a difference! Hope this helps!
  • Cloe
    Cloe Posts: 435
    Don't get discouraged. There will be ups and downs, maybe your metabolism is just needing a bit of time to adjust. I also have fibro and I so know how you feel.:frown: There are days I just don't feel up to doing anything.:cry: It's hard, take it one day at a time.:flowerforyou: What is your new pain med Lyrica??
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    Don't get discouraged. There will be ups and downs, maybe your metabolism is just needing a bit of time to adjust. I also have fibro and I so know how you feel.:frown: There are days I just don't feel up to doing anything.:cry: It's hard, take it one day at a time.:flowerforyou: What is your new pain med Lyrica??

    No I am taking Naproxen for now...haven't ventured into those big guys yet :wink:
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    this is all a journy for us. Losing weight is just somthing we have to go through for some reason or anouther. Don't mean to get into religion or anything, but whatever God or Goddess you pray to has a reason your stuck in this boat. The point is you have to figure what that reason is on this long journy of yours, mabey you have to learn to love yourself more or you feel guilty for some reason or anouther, whatever the case this road/ journy you are on will repair that which is broken. Whew enough of that deep crap, :bigsmile: keep up the good work and read my story "We can do it" posted here. That should help, and don't worry, I havn't lost anything either, I get on that damn scale to often and get frusterated. I also have diabetes and have to stick myself 4 times a day with a needle filled with insulin that makes me gain weight, :grumble: anyway, keep talking to people, relax and know you ARE doing somthing good for yourself just by being here on this site and you ARE making a difference! Hope this helps!

    That does help...thank you. I know I am not alone but it does get a little frustrating when you think you are doing all the right things.
  • kellyhough17
    this is all a journy for us. Losing weight is just somthing we have to go through for some reason or anouther. Don't mean to get into religion or anything, but whatever God or Goddess you pray to has a reason your stuck in this boat. The point is you have to figure what that reason is on this long journy of yours, mabey you have to learn to love yourself more or you feel guilty for some reason or anouther, whatever the case this road/ journy you are on will repair that which is broken. Whew enough of that deep crap, :bigsmile: keep up the good work and read my story "We can do it" posted here. That should help, and don't worry, I havn't lost anything either, I get on that damn scale to often and get frusterated. I also have diabetes and have to stick myself 4 times a day with a needle filled with insulin that makes me gain weight, :grumble: anyway, keep talking to people, relax and know you ARE doing somthing good for yourself just by being here on this site and you ARE making a difference! Hope this helps!

    That does help...thank you. I know I am not alone but it does get a little frustrating when you think you are doing all the right things.

    totally know where you are coming from, I mean when you have eaten tofu and salad all day everyday for the past week, you think for sure you have lost something, then the scale laughs back at you, it sucks for sure, and I totally feel like running to Mcdonalds and saying, "Whatever" I am eatin a cheeseburger, but be strong, and if you do have that cheesburger, so what, it's not the end of the world, just get back on that track the next day, we are all human!
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    Its good for me that I don't eat burgers at fast food guilty pleasure is greek food. *sigh* :laugh:

    I just hope this all works out in the end. When I did weight watchers, I saw 1-2 lbs a week gone and I was doing the same things and eating the same foods I am now... not sure how many points equals how many calories but it felt like the same amount of work. AND I didn't even exercise then.

    I am sure all this complaining will probably result in a loss next week.

    AND I weigh myself in the morning after my washroom duties. :tongue:
  • Eliyan
    Eliyan Posts: 115
    I have Fibro too, and I know what you mean about the treadmill, though it's the most convenient for me to do.

    I think swimming would be a really good idea, if you can get up the courage. :tongue: It's a lot easier on the joints, definitely, and it's more fun too, of course. I've found it's also a better overall workour, spread out more evenly over the entire body than just walking.

    So if you're having a hard time losing, (I am too, totally frustrating) I think switching to swimming would help, and we just have to wait it out for the big differences to come.

    Good luck!
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    I bought a bathing suit today :blushing:

    Aunt Flo is here so I will have to wait till next week to get into my swimming routine.
  • diannholland1965
    diannholland1965 Posts: 782 Member
    Well dear if Aunt FLO is here no WONDER YOU DID NOT SEE A WEIGHT DROP!
    Wait till it is done and THEN weigh yourself and let us know how much fun THAT happy dance was! :bigsmile: :smooched: :wink:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,129 Member
    Thanks. I know it shouldn't be the scale that ultimately matters but I feel like that scale is my motivation. And I want to see it go down, even if its 1/2 lb a just has to go down! lol

    I think I need to overcome some fears and buy some stuff to go swimming. I went with a friend once but I couldn't bear to wear a bathing suit. That is what is keeping me from going down to the pool everyday. Swimming might be a better option for me than just walking on a treadmill...boring old treadmill.

    My scale broke. Well, I dropped some water on it, :laugh: and it was digital. I freaked at first, thought about buying another one, and finally decided that every day I would do something different at the gym, and journal my thoughts instead. It has been liberating to be rid of the scale (which I have nicknamed the :devil: spawn). I've gone down a size in my clothing, and oh, doggonit: I have to buy some new clothes.

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,129 Member
    oops. Hi everyone......:embarassed:
  • jenken99
    jenken99 Posts: 564 Member
    My scale broke. Well, I dropped some water on it, :laugh: and it was digital. I freaked at first, thought about buying another one, and finally decided that every day I would do something different at the gym, and journal my thoughts instead. It has been liberating to be rid of the scale (which I have nicknamed the :devil: spawn). I've gone down a size in my clothing, and oh, doggonit: I have to buy some new clothes.


    my scale broke also i had to buy a new one i should not have bought another digital one though ,, when i go to the YMCA i also weigh myself there and it has weighed me 3 pds heavier ugggg!!!!! who should i believe????