simplementtraverser Member


  • I am totally with all of you! I was on a low carb diet before but am changing (advice of Doctor) to low carb and high protein. To be honest, I'm not a huge fan of meat...haha...but I can tell the difference immediately in energy, alertness, and just feeling better. It's weird to have an upside down food pyramid but I know…
  • Ahh...same here...been here for about two weeks and LOVE it. I do not love PCOS however. :-)
  • I know this is a controversial subject and so Im not trying to offend anyone. But to share from my personal experience....i kinda had the same experience. Once I started seeing an endo he recommended 60-90 carbs a day (with no enriched/bleached flour), no artificial sweeteners, and 15-30 grams of sugar a day. When I stick…