

  • For me post pregnancy I found that the last 15 pounds or so was the hardest to lose. I started increasing my cardio from the normal 20-25 minutes a day 3 times a week to 45-50 minutes a day and a leveled out my intake of food based on a recommendation my colleague gave me that was recommeded by her nutritionist. Eat like a…
  • Perhaps are you deficient in some of the vitamins you need. I used to be anemic and deficient in iron and would get 8 hours rest daily and still felt tired. Ive been taking supplements for years now and no longer feel that way. If your work is making you tired then adjust the kind of work out you do and perhaps do low…
  • Im a technical sales specialist for a bank. I work from home 4 days a week. At first i found my self gaining a few pounds since i started working from home and realized that i was eating alot more than i was used to when i had to commute into the city. This is most likely becuase the food is always in front of me at home…
  • OMG... I heard some crazy things. For me...most people just say "why?" you go to the gym already. Well..I would much rather manage my weight early on knowing im 12 pounds overweight and be proactive knowing im not fitting into most clothes from last summer vs doing nothing and wait for me to get to 25 pounds plus…
  • Hi...Ive lost 5 lbs so far and have 7 more pounds to go, My close friends tease me and say ive joined a "calorie counting cult" lol. So it would be nice to meet other people and mothers who are using this tool to make better food choices to balance their diet and lose weight
  • I have one daughter but gained 70 lbs during my pregnancy and after giving birth got a hernia. The separation in my stomache due to the hernia will make it impossible to get my stomach back to where it was pre pregnancy. I refuse to do the surgery after the doctor told me it would be approx 3 to 4 hours. So i decided to…