Post-Children Stomach Muscles...



  • secretgirl4611
    secretgirl4611 Posts: 474 Member
    I had my daughter 6 yrs ago. BUT sometimes those muscles you talked about DONT go back together I dont know what its called but they stay separated. And well that's what happen to me.. So I have not yet seen my abs since I had my first and only child but I am on my journety to finally tighten up this saggy belly at least the best I could cuz well it really saggs and hangs there. But I notice when I do ab workouts I can actually see and feel where my ab muscles separate in the middle...
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    I have diastasis recti (the separation of the stomach muscles) pretty bad. My hubby says it's open a "few fingers" wide. The research I've done on the Tupler Technique shows that it can work to get them closer together but also says that 1 wrong movement or sit up can undo all the hard work you put into it.

    Unfortunately, if your stomach muscles did not go back together on your own, the only way to get them back together and not worry about them separating is through surgery. My hubby is already pricing it for me!!
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    I had my daughter 6 yrs ago. BUT sometimes those muscles you talked about DONT go back together I dont know what its called but they stay separated. And well that's what happen to me.. So I have not yet seen my abs since I had my first and only child but I am on my journety to finally tighten up this saggy belly at least the best I could cuz well it really saggs and hangs there. But I notice when I do ab workouts I can actually see and feel where my ab muscles separate in the middle...
    So I went to youtube to see what videos and info are available on this diastasis recti. Some good videos there. One thing I keep seeing is that the average exercises can easily make it worse, so find the specific exercises, and correct this problem first. I am glad to know this!
  • ixap
    ixap Posts: 675 Member
    I gained 45 pounds with both pregnancies,from 120 to 165 both times, and now I have saggy tummy skin. As I lose weight (down to 118 now) it does look better, but I'm thinking it's never going to be totally flat like back in the day. Oh well.
  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    I have the waist measurement that you mentioned (28 inches)--and get this--I did not focus on core exercises. I have done sporadic some ab work but it mostly gets omitted in favour of running or biking (which also engage your core). For me, I actually had a mild hernia with my second child and there is still a small gap between the muscles more than two years later and I have one strange belly button LOL. Mostly, the waist measurement came through consistent, slow weight loss and as my body fat percentage went down from regular training. It is possible but it does take time and patience.
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    See when I was pregnant (I have an almost 6 month old), i was 243, and within the first month dropped down to 225, and then 220 the next month, stayed at 217-219 and then after he was born, i dropped to 204, and am now down to 193. When I went into the obgyn, she told me "good luck with your ab exercises." whatever that meant. I still have the saggy skin, though you can see what parts of my tummy are shrinking and what isn't. As of right now, my muscles feel back together, but only time will tell.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    I have diastasis recti (the separation of the stomach muscles) pretty bad. My hubby says it's open a "few fingers" wide. The research I've done on the Tupler Technique shows that it can work to get them closer together but also says that 1 wrong movement or sit up can undo all the hard work you put into it.

    Unfortunately, if your stomach muscles did not go back together on your own, the only way to get them back together and not worry about them separating is through surgery. My hubby is already pricing it for me!!
    ^^^^^^^^^^Thank-you for this info, and the effectiveness of that technique...i was wondering.
    I can feel the separation in there, it is small, and I can't say i am distressed about it. I would be interested in correcting it.

    Just had to say about the surgery, that I know one can choose to correct the skin on the tummy, or one can also choose to correct the actual stomach muscles...a more involved surgical procedure. My husband is an orthopedic nurse, and works with post-op patients all the time. Something he does not think is emphasized or explained to people before surgery is the risk of general anesthesia on the brain. He very often sees post-ops left with lingering confusion. Know that general anesthesia is very hard on the brain. Talk to people who have had it....they may tell you their short-term memory is affected.

    My husband is not enthusiastic about elective surgery for this reason. and the risk of infection. And spinal anesthesia has risks also...paralysis for one. He knows many doctors, of course, as he works at a major hospital on the orthopedic floor. It matters what doctor and anesthesiologist you get...they are not all the same...he has his favorites:) Anesthesiolgists have told him, that they themselves would not get a spinal.

    NOT to be negative or alarmist, but rather to allow you to have this knowledge beforehand.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    I have the waist measurement that you mentioned (28 inches)--and get this--I did not focus on core exercises. I have done sporadic some ab work but it mostly gets omitted in favour of running or biking (which also engage your core). For me, I actually had a mild hernia with my second child and there is still a small gap between the muscles more than two years later and I have one strange belly button LOL. Mostly, the waist measurement came through consistent, slow weight loss and as my body fat percentage went down from regular training. It is possible but it does take time and patience.
    Thank-you, that's encouraging. I noticed some vids on youtube describing exercises for the hernia...
  • vleconte
    vleconte Posts: 6
    I have one daughter but gained 70 lbs during my pregnancy and after giving birth got a hernia. The separation in my stomache due to the hernia will make it impossible to get my stomach back to where it was pre pregnancy. I refuse to do the surgery after the doctor told me it would be approx 3 to 4 hours. So i decided to see what i can do with exercise that will allow me to be content with my stomach. I do a combination of exercises and do alot of plank, leg lifts and crunches on a decline bench along with 3/4 days of cardio that consist of jogging, jump rope, stair masters and bicycling. My stomach muscles have gotten substaintially firmer and am content.
  • ckyte1
    ckyte1 Posts: 36 Member