projektai Member


  • Ahh, thank you! It's so neat to run into someone with similar goals! <3 I've sent you an add!
  • Got it. And I understand that I need to eat at a deficit, I was only worried that I was eating too little at 1300 or 1400 calories. I wrecked my metabolism that way in high school, and that was hard to come back from. So, I'll try to aim for 1500 each day then. Thank you everyone for your input!
  • Okay, so I'll begin weighing out the vegetables too. Thanks, everyone. c: As for, I just checked it out and it claims my BMR is 1415, with my total calories being 1857. So, I feel like I've been eating close to my BMR, but should I be eating a little bit more then? Should I be "zig-zagging" my calories?
  • I'll go check our right now then. As for weighing my food, I weigh things like meat and fruit -- for things I've entered today, like frozen vegetables and Progresso brand soup, I measure it in cups like the nutrition labels advise on their packaging. I mention the frozen vegetables because that's generally the…
  • Yeah, I know my maintenance is roughly 1600 calories, and I attempt to eat 1300-1400 calories every day. I put my MFP at sedentary because I know I haven't been nearly as active as I'd like to be, and I do own and use a food scale daily. I don't normally eat back my exercise calories, unless I feel legitimately hungry,…
  • Oh phew! I'm glad that works out in the end then. :3 Thank you very much! I'm looking forward to TRX again tonight. Hopefully I'll look a little less silly.
  • Well, and I don't mean to sound silly, I don't intend to "bulk up." If by gain, you mean I won't be building as much muscle, I'm a little confused because I thought that TRX would help me strengthen my muscles, which would help me burn fat, wouldn't it? Or am I completely off the mark here?
  • Then it looks like I'll be sticking with TRX for awhile. I just hope that I don't wind up so sore every single time! Even if it is a gratifying sort of sore. c: I'm doing both TRX and spin classes, so I'm hoping this combo will help me get nice and lean. Thank you for the advice, and I hope barbell training is going…
  • Thank you for sharing! I'm wondering if I should continue with TRX, or just return to my old method of weight lifting. While weight loss is a target of mine, I'm specifically looking for fat loss, since, let's face it, I don't want to be this level of squishy anymore. I've lost a little over forty pounds, and I need to…
  • Hello there! I'm from the US and twenty-two. It'd be great to have some more supportive friends on here. :3
  • 5'1" 135 lbs 35 inch bust 29 inch waist 38 inch hips I have no idea what body shape I am. I don't have a lot of curve around my waist though. > x <;;
  • Thank you for the input, everyone. (〃^▽^〃)
  • I've recently been doing the low calorie pudding you cook yourself, and using soy milk instead of regular milk, then add a dollop of light whipped cream. It satisfies my sweet tooth, is pretty low cal, and I think it's filling. Otherwise, you could try some sort of vegetable dip with celery or a small portion of bread. I…
  • Autumn for me. It's when all of my favorite recipes are in season, and I tend to go bonkers trying to pick what to eat. It's all so good! ヽ(●゚´Д`゚●)ノ゚
  • New York pizza is the best pizza. <3
  • Lately, I've been so lazy I just pop some multigrain waffles in the toaster and top them off with strawberry jam.
    in Breakfast Comment by projektai May 2013
  • I'll be working toward a bikini this summer. Actually, I'll be in one, but I really wanna lose another 5 or 10 pounds first!
  • I guess no one else has heard of it! lol
  • I'm 5'2"! I'm aiming for anywhere between 120 and 130. I weighed around 140 when I was sixteen and thought I looked pretty good when I looked at pictures of myself then. But it also depends on your body shape and such. I, sadly, have a rectangle shape. =(
  • I do the same! I used to be tight in a size 14, and now I'm just a bit snug in a size 6. Sweet, sweet success. Once I fit properly in my size 6, I'll be happy.
  • Instead of milk, I drink soy milk. Instead of sugar & cream in my coffee, I take it black. Instead of fruit loops, I have whole grain toast. Instead of chips, I have popcorn. Instead of double fudge chunk cookies, I have macaroons. Instead of french fries, I have roasted red potatoes. Instead of pretzels, I eat walnuts.…
  • That sounds odd. Why would cardio be a disadvantage to a petite person? I'm petite at barely 5'2" and I don't think cardio is hurting me.
  • Confident and cheeky. =)
  • I'm really happy to have given up on fast food. I feel better about myself. I don't feel so greasy, or sluggish, or tired either. Whenever I ate fast food, I just wanted to hide in a big sweatshirt and go to sleep. It made me feel awful. Now, I feel like I have lots of energy, I feel more alert and awake, not to mention…
  • Thanks for the ideas, everyone =)
  • Congrats!!! That's awesome!
  • Beer, soda, tootsie rolls, salad dressing, onion rings, and most candy bars. Those are my top icky factors. Most candies are way too sweet for me, but I still love baked sweets. I'd kill for a powdered donut today. ;;
  • Now I wish I had an iphone. That sounds like something that would get me running!