Frozen Banana Cocoa Powder Protein powder of choice (Sweetener to taste) Blend together and you'll have one of the nicest protein ice creams you'll ever eat. It's also rich in potassium as a bonus!
You will only lose weight if you're in some form of calorie deficit. Lifting weights can help you enter a calorie deficit but make sure your diet and nutrition is on point first. :)
Carbs: Oats Rice Potatos Protein: Canned Tuna Frozen Fish (usually cheap) Lentils Chicken Breast (if cheap) Unflavoured protein powdered Fats: Cheese Yellow/White Oils/Butter Micronutrients: Frozed mixed veg Frozen Spinach Frozen Brocolli Apples Oranges Bananas
Sweet: Cinnamon and stevia Cinnamon, cocoa powder and strawberries Cocoa powder and stevia Cocoa powder, peanut butter and stevia Blueberries and honey Walnuts and honey Savory: Chilli sauce, spring onion, salt and cumin Salt and Pepper Tomato Ketchup, pepper, red onion, Spring onion, italian herb seasoning, Parsley, black…
I don't really think it's accurate as it doesn't really take body composition into consideration. Pretty much what the above poster has mentioned!
You're all welcome to add me, I log everyday :)
I'm sitting on the floor cos there aren't any chairs around
I ain't even on a diet
Crazy in a good way
The most important thing is too start off slowly. Ease into eating foods which haven't been processed and increase your intake of vegetables and fruit. I highly recommend drinking around a gallon of water a day too. It will increase you're energy levels and make you feel generally better and fuller for longer. Good luck
"I'm not even wearing any pants"
I'd run away...far away!