miss_sassyteacher Member


  • I do not want a long engagement but it is out of our control right now. We met in 2009, and dated for a few months then separated. My last year of college, we reconnected and have been together every since. He proposed this year (2012), probably after me coming home laughing how my students would ask me all the time when…
  • Welcome! Iv'e been in the same boat as you. My sister always the thinner one. I was taunted all throughout my teen years by my mom and sister. I have about 100 pounds to lose. The most I have ever kept off was about 60 pounds two years ago.
  • My fiancee is supportive of me working out. But the change of food in the house and me constantly talking about calories does annoy him. He is slowly coming around. He is my only support because we moved so far away from family and friends.
  • I know that is why it has taken me forever to find a new obgyn. I do not even go and read websites anymore. I signed up for this and have been reading post from others. PCOS has taken over my life I used to be fun and outgoing. There are times I get anxiety and freak out. I just want to get my weight and this under…
  • Hi there, I am not an "expert", but I will share my experience. When I was 14 years old I had a dermoid cyst removed, from then on I had even more problems with my period. Almost every other year I was experiencing cyst and trying different BC . The Obgyn didn't ever tell me or my parents that I had PCOS. My family doctor…
  • I am also new to this group.