Quickie weddings or long engagements?



  • Artemis726
    Artemis726 Posts: 587 Member
    We were friendly for about a year (ran with the same crowd). Once I woke up and realized it was 'HIM', it was alllll over. I literally saw him one day with new eyes, even though I had brushed him off before. We became a couple in November, he proposed in December, we moved in together in March, and eloped in July. I was 22 and he was 21 when we got married, and we just celebrated our 12th anniversary. :heart:
  • smilingalltheway
    smilingalltheway Posts: 216 Member
    Met my husband at work he was married I was single, He got divorced I was getting married, he claimed never again no way I said someday you will. Three years later I leave my 1st husband in Nov. we ,2nd husband and I go on our first date about 1 week later, move in together in Feb I'm not even divorced yet. Eight years later we get married, next Feb. we will celebrate our 30th. We were engaged for 9 months. He is still my best friend and I love him with all my heart.
  • ashlensmomma
    ashlensmomma Posts: 124 Member
    I met my husband through an online forum we both used. We dated for 6 years, then were engaged for a year, and now we've been married a year. So we've been together happily for 8 years and loving every minute. :)

    Engaged at 23, married at 24.
  • miss_sassyteacher
    miss_sassyteacher Posts: 11 Member
    I do not want a long engagement but it is out of our control right now. We met in 2009, and dated for a few months then separated. My last year of college, we reconnected and have been together every since. He proposed this year (2012), probably after me coming home laughing how my students would ask me all the time when he was gonna ask. Also students and co-workers were trying to wed me to another single teacher. Anyways right now I am helping plan my best friends wedding, which is next year. So I am hoping to have mine a year later. June 2014. But it seems so far away.
  • matchbox_girl
    matchbox_girl Posts: 535 Member
    We were friendly for about a year (ran with the same crowd). Once I woke up and realized it was 'HIM', it was alllll over. I literally saw him one day with new eyes, even though I had brushed him off before. We became a couple in November, he proposed in December, we moved in together in March, and eloped in July. I was 22 and he was 21 when we got married, and we just celebrated our 12th anniversary. :heart:

    This is what happened to us. As friends we had no interest in each other. He was my should to cry on and my rock to lean on, and I was the "annoying, crybaby friend" that he stuck by no matter what. (Haha, laugh it up.) One day I got tired of the *kitten* I was going after and I turned around and thought, "This friend of mine is such a good guy. Hmmm, I wonder...."

    And that was that. Started off as a booty call. I told him I didn't want that, and we've been together ever since. Funny how that works.
  • ShareeMorty
    ShareeMorty Posts: 324 Member
    I met my now ex husband in the May, got engaged in August, moved in in October and were married in March. Pregnant by the following March.

    I thought I knew he was the right one. 13 years later I know he wasn't.

    I think if I got into another relationship I would want to date for a few years before considering engagement or moving in together.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    I have been dating my boyfriend for 3 1/2 years so far. We don't live together and we're not engaged. We aren't really financially ready yet. I just got my first "real" job and he's trying to get his business to take off and buy a decent house.
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    My husband and I had been seriously dating for just under 2 years when we got engaged :heart: :heart:

    We knew for a WHILE that we wanted to get married, but wanted to wait a little longer. We ended up getting married sooner simply because dating someone in the military isn't the easiest thing in the world, lol.

    Married a year and a half now and loving every minute of it :heart: :heart:
  • I became engaged after being w/ my current fiance for 5 months. We've been engaged for a year and a half due to financial trouble planning the wedding, but we're tying the knot in two months!
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    We planned out wedding in 1 week lol. Went to the JP nothing real special but special enough for us. His parents were there and most my family was there, my parents weren't there, but that's another story. I think they were still mad at me lol, I was 5 months pregnant and my husband was not the man they wanted me to marry, of course they love him now.

    We are planning a vow renewal on our 10 yr which is next year. We talk about it but I don't know if we will. I would like something small for that but then a huge reception with an open bar, lots of dancing and some karaoke lol I just want to have a huge party lol.
  • CaraHeather
    CaraHeather Posts: 20 Member
    My hubby & I got married after 3mnths of dating... him 23/24 & I 20/21 (got married in between our bdays). We had a daughter soon after & now married for 11+ years. It is going great. We had our struggles, but I wouldn't have changed a thing
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    I was 15 and my husband was 17 when we started dating. I was 17 and he was 19 when he proposed to me. And I was 19 and he 21 when we married in 2006.

    And I know we were young when we started dating. But not too long afterwords we just knew we wanted to be together. So we waited until I was out of high school of coarse and planned the wedding and got married.
  • Guines9
    Guines9 Posts: 137
    Hey is a twist: After a few months on a Christian Dating site, She proposed to me and wanted to get married immediately (like your quote from the movie suggested.) We compromised and she moved in. We were planning a wedding, but her college debt was high so she joined the Army-- which paid her debts, -- but on her second tour in Iraq, well....she became a casualty of that war. I do not feel bad because was the most blissful time of my life.
  • sbernardy
    sbernardy Posts: 188
    We met on Christmas Eve 2010... Engaged 8.20.11 and Married 5.14.12

    After looking back.. it was 8 months in between meeting and engaged ... and engaged and married :love:

    He's the love of my life!
  • IsleEsme
    IsleEsme Posts: 175 Member
    We met mid December and our first date was December 26th. December 27th we both declared we were getting married. August 31st will be 16 years. Soul mates. My husband is amazing, he is my better half.
  • Honestly.. I can't wait its taking to long. But My bf doesn't see it that way. To him, why rush? Then he corrects himself b/c we have been together for over 3 1/2 years.. but he still quotes "why rush it? We have the rest of our lives together" But OP I agree with you, and "When Harry Met Sally" but.. eh...

    We are ring shopping in 2014.. which by then will be like 5 years... not soon enough for me. We live together.. I mean, WHY wait?

    But anyways, after that rant... I used to want like a year engagement. JUST to make sure I have enough time to plan, but now (my parents own an Event Center) once I get engaged, I'm going to find a date within a 6 month period, (by this time I have already planned what I want.. no need for a long engagement) that works and get married. It will be a heck-tick.. fast, 6 months. But I'm tired of waiting...

    I wondered if there was anyone else that felt like this! We've been together 2 years, known each other for almost 6...neither of us is 100% sure if we want kids, but if we decide we do, I'm not getting any younger! He repeatedly tells me that he wants to marry me, talks about our future, even refers to the company he owns as "our company," but he wants to wait to propose until he feels like he has achieved this magical level of success and financial stability. I understand his point, but I also subscribe to the "if you know, you know." Or as my Granny used to say "If you ain't gonna s### get off the pot!" I can tell you, after being engaged when i came home from college and trying to plan that, along with just watching my sister go through CRAZINESS for her wedding, I don't want all the bells and whistles and fru-fru mess that I used to want. And he knows this...I'm down with a pot luck BBQ style party, and just surprise those that show up. Frankly, I don't have "a lot" to plan, so I have no cares for a long engagement. Then again, I'm not a very patient person :happy:
  • I havent meet the right one yet....Im hoping he comes along soon...I am getting old
  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,412 Member
    We were together for just over two years when I proposed. Engagement was 27 months. Marriage lasted 6 years.

    One of my uncles has been engaged to the same woman for over 10 years. Not sure how he does it, but if I ever find a woman who wants to be nailed down to me, I'm asking for instructions.
  • cvance3
    cvance3 Posts: 64
    I met my fiancee in a wedding party (I was Maid of Honor and he was the Best Man). We'd never met before then, but the night of the wedding, he knew that I was the girl he was going to marry. That was last April. Last June, practically asked me to marry him. We wanted to get to know each other better (meaning that I took a little more convincing! :laugh: ) He proposed to me this past 29 February and we're getting married in November of this year. I'm so excited and can't wait! If I had things my way, we'd already be married (I'm TOTALLY convinced now! haha)
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    This is another one of those things where it all depends on the couple. Some people wait, some dont. Some date for 5 years, some date for 2 months. Its all about you. Are you financially stable enough to buy an engagement ring, take a long honeymoon, and throw a wedding together? Would you rather just elope and not have to deal with the duss? Do you have other things to worry about in life? Everyone is different.