Quickie weddings or long engagements?



  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    Ha! Ok so my husband and I dated four years before we moved in together. Then 2 years later, he proposed (I will say one of the big reason it was put on the back burner was both his parents were diagnosed with cancer within those 5 years and a lot of our time was spent driving to hospitals, treatments etc). We got married 2 1/2 years later...and this October we will celebrate our 3 year wedding anniversary and 12 years together in April.

    We are going to start trying for a baby this fall/winter..it is definitely time and it wasn't in "our cards" before but we are ready and we've never been happier.:heart:
  • maggiemay365
    maggiemay365 Posts: 181 Member
    Dated for a year..engagement for 1 year..married for 6 years and one 4 year old son!
  • BrieLP
    BrieLP Posts: 300 Member
    Well my first marriage was quick. I met him on Feb 3, got engaged in May and married Sept 3rd. The length of the marriage lasted a little longer than that I left him in 2 months after our 1yr anniversary.

    This time around my fiance and I dated for a month, became official, moved in together 4 months later, engaged 10 months after that. Our wedding is 2 months from today (oct 6) 11 months after we got engaged... I prefer the long courting and engagement :)
  • redhousecat
    redhousecat Posts: 584 Member
    My husband and I "dated" for two months, enacted cohabitation for two more months, then married by JP (4 mos from meeting to marriage). 12 years this October, no rugrats. We just knew.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    My husband and I were together for over 5 years before we got married. We just randomly decided one day in November to just do it. We were engaged for just over 2 years though, after our first daughter was born. I never wanted to get married, I think it's kind of dumb in a way, but he did, so we got married.
  • kshiraakshara
    kshiraakshara Posts: 119 Member
    My husband and I were together for 2 years before he proposed and then we were engaged for 10 months after that, but we knew we wanted to get married within a few weeks of being together. I actually bought my wedding dress before he officially proposed.
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    My husband and I moved in together 4 months after starting dating, he proposed 4 months later on my birthday, and our engagement was 13 months. We only had that long of an engagement because we wanted to wait until after my brother got married, as my sister in law would have killed me if I had gotten married before her, and it was important to me to have my brother walk me down the aisle, so we had to wait until after their month long honeymoon. Since I manage retail, we needed to wait till after Christmas as well.
  • SmallMimi
    SmallMimi Posts: 541 Member
    Two dates, started living together, engaged by three months, married @ 8 months (circumstances did not permit us to get married prior to this time or would have married within a week of engagement), been married 30 years and looking forward to 30 more.
  • Mewlingstork
    Mewlingstork Posts: 266 Member
    Met my husband end of July 2011, moved in together around Thanksgiving, pregnant in Feburary - due October 11th, married April 20th (informally engaged before that, but insurance is easier married).

    When we decided to go through with the marriage part, I just wanted it over, regardless of insurance or anything else. I don't know how people wait much longer than that! We planned a gorgeous wedding in 4 days and it was everything I have ever hoped for in a wedding; the dress, the location, everything was perfect.
  • golightlyphilosophy
    My fiancee and I dated for two years before he proposed to me. We will have been engaged for almost two years when we get married. We wanted a dream wedding, and since we're paying for a good chunk of it ourselves, we decided to save up until we could afford to make our day absolutely perfect. Also gives us much for time to plan all of the small details a wedding involves. We already live together, and it's not like either of us are gong anywhere, so there's no rush. My big day is June 18th, 2013 and I couldn't be more excited!
  • mfp_junkie
    mfp_junkie Posts: 359
    Met on March 23, 1991 and married on Aug 9th, 1991. Our 21st anniversary is on Thursday!
  • HealthyBride5_3_13
    Congratulations on 13 years! My fiance and I were together 3 months before getting engaged and by our wedding in May 2013 we will have been engaged for 2 and a 1/2 years. We moved in with my parents last May and FINALLY got our own place this June. I have loved having a long engagement because we have been able to take our time planning things and even get a lot of it paid for :) plus, I've had time to lose all this weight!
  • 388gigi
    388gigi Posts: 485 Member
    I met my now fiance when we were 14. (I was in love with him from day dot) We were really good mates, he would come round and cook bbq's with my dad and my family adored him. Then we sort of fell out for about a year or so. Then we started talking again and started dating not long after that. We were together for 2.5 years, then we finished school and everything changed a bit. We ended up breaking up. The 4 years we were broken up, we both moved to different states, started careers, got to know ourselves without the other. We kept in contact 90% of the 4 years, even though we both had other relationships.

    Then one day, the stars aligned and it was the right time for both of us and we got back together (we both felt like we would always end up back together....because even though we were young at the start, we both knew it was real love, especially after being in other relationships and comparing them).

    We have been back together for 1.5 years now. We are engaged (as of May) and we just bought our first house. We'll be married in November next year. I hope to start trying for a baby some time after that :-)

    So by the time we are married we will have known each other for nearly 12 years, engaged for 19 months.

    We are having our engagement/house warming party in December. So it would be 7 months between getting engaged and the engagement party....we're a bit slow! haha

    Your story is lovely :-)
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Met & married hubby within a month. We'd never met in person when we went on our 1st 'date' cause we'd met over the phone. It's 16 years this month.
  • lisaishotpink
    My fiance and I have been together for almost 4 1/2 years, and have been officially engaged as of last December. We lived together almost instantly, but didn't get on a lease together until late 2009. April 2010 I got pregnant with our now 20 month old son, and we unofficially were engaged (didn't have the money for a ring) when we found out. We don't have a date set because I have some time still to go with my weight loss (1/2 way there!!!!) so we'll go to the courthouse after that happens. I knew he was the one after we went through hell together and came out fighting for each other. =)
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    I met my fiance late last August. We told each other 'I love you' a couple weeks later in Sept. He just proposed a few weeks ago on July 22nd and we set the date for 8-24-13. When he popped the question we had been together almost a year. By the time the wedding date arrives it will be 2 yrs (almost to the day) that we met. I wouldn't say a year to date and a year to plan a wedding is necessarily long, but I wouldn't want to move any faster. Or much slower! It was right for us!
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    My husband moved in with me after two months of dating. We got engaged about a year after that and then married 6 months later. I wouldn't have minded waiting longer, but we didn't know when he would be shipping to basic training and heard it was a pain for us to get everything done if we waiting to get married until later and I couldn't imagine spending more time than I had to away from him.

    So far we've been married a year and together for almost three and I don't regret a single second of it. I just knew that with him it was right :)
  • 388gigi
    388gigi Posts: 485 Member
    Met & married hubby within a month. We'd never met in person when we went on our 1st 'date' cause we'd met over the phone. It's 16 years this month.

    16 years is great!!! How did you meet over the phone!??
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    my husband and i dated for almost 5.5 years before getting engaged (lived together for 3)...we were engaged for 5 months and then bought a house and had a baby before our first anniversary...we took pur time then moved a mach speed :) we've been happily married since april 2011 :)
  • HarlequinnAsh
    Met and were dating in a week. Engaged within a month and a half after that. Married within a month of that. Happily married three years and trying to get preggers :D