

  • That is amazing and inspiring! You look amazing! good luck on reaching your final goal! I would really appreciate some advice. I've been yo-yo dieiting all my life, because I've always been bigger. I'm becoming more and more depressed and only getting bigger. Im curent 220lbs, so i'm starting in a similar weight range to…
  • Okay, thank you very much for the advice. Ive actually decided to cancel Lite N Easy since it wasn't meeting my needs and it's also ridiculously expensive. I used to get into really good habits when i was younger due to my mum. (She used to blend fresh fruits for our breakfast and make all our salad sandwich lunches) But…
  • I did it a few years ago when i was younger (about 13) Lost 5 kg and was happy. Im alot heaver then i was when i was 13 tho so 1200 calories was probably enough for me then. Really need to lose 30kg. Ive been a yo-yo dieter all my life. :P I really want some success this time. I think i'll change my order tot eh 1800 then,…
  • Im trying to lose 20lbs by October too! I wish you luck. :) We can do this!~
    in Newbie! Comment by bluukitsune July 2012