

  • I agree with taso... you're doing great and you need to be patient. I hovered at about 5 pounds lost for about 8 weeks until suddenly the rest of my goal just melted off in a flash. Of course, it helped that I really challenged my cardio. I usually do the elliptical as well. Try up'ing your time there to 30 minutes on a…
    in Help? Comment by melissaivie March 2011
  • smokin! you better get more running under your belt... you'll have to run faster to escape all those guys that'll be chasing you!
  • That's just great!! 20 pounds makes a noticeable difference. And great job being courageous enough to post your pics. I'm still not keen on that idea. :)
  • MFP gives you your calories each day. When you exercise, those calories are added to your day's total. Your total will go from 1200 calories, to say, 1400 if you work 200 calories off by walking. It's super easy to figure out because the program does it for you! As far as eating those calories... well, that's up to you.…
  • It took me about three weeks of cutting back my food intake to realize that it wasn't going to get the weight off. I needed to exercise to get my snail-slow metabolism boosted. Perhaps the mag is thinking you shouldn't jump into both with super-high expectations so that you get discouraged? Anyway, you should do both -…
  • I really think it depends on your feet. If you have naturally good feet - great arch and good alignment - then barefoot may be just fine. But if you have feet like mine, which are flat and tend to roll to the outside, then shoes will keep your feet aligned when you're exercising. I would recommend shoes, and more than one…
  • I totally agree! If I am wearing clothes that make me feel good, then I eat better. Toss those baggy clothes!
  • Here's my tip: Go to Search by ingredient (pork chop) and then the Keyword "slow cooker." You should find at least a dozen options for your chops. :) And bonus - lots of the recipes have nutritional information on them so you can gauge whether they will look good on your MFP daily log. Enjoy!! Created…