Cutting ADDED sugars is where one should be focusing, with the sugar issue. As in, processed foods of all sorts. If you are still eating processed foods, check the labels and you will see that quite a few have surprising amounts of added sugars, including things you wouldn't think would have them, like certain brands of…
If you have a Nordstrom's near you go for a bra fitting(it's free) - it is SO worth it and they don't put any pressure on you to buy either. They're trained to do the fittings in a way that say, VS sales people aren't, and are usually really sympathetic. Fully 80% of women are wearing the wrong size bra, and it makes a…
Wow - love all these pieces of dumb advice - I've heard 'em too! I'll add another category - basically any weight loss advice from someone one who hasn't gone through menopause. What works before does not always work now. And even then it's really individual. Some people really do have to rein in their carbs big-time,…
I feel it at the gym if I have even one night of short or disrupted sleep. Some people can do well on not much sleep but I'm not one of them, even as I get older. I'm in favor of the nap myself.:) And then going back to the gym!
You guys must have been reading my mind, as far as getting the jump on this project which got going for me a week ago. It would have been sooner, but I was derailed by injury at the beginning of November and then a short illness but I'm back on deck for sure now. I only have a few pounds to lose, so this is doable. I'm at…
"Your numbers seem off to me, but I'm not going to argue that stuff, instead I'm just going to give you advice based on your initial post.... You need to evaluate what food you are putting in your mouth. Processed junk food will leave you hungry. Eating whole, raw, natural foods will keep you fuller longer and for less…
I downloaded this yesterday - pretty cool actually. One tweak they could make is also giving one the choice of whether one's body is "mature"(middle-aged and up) or "young"(child-bearing years), also gender, so men could use this too. I love the visual reinforcement, and found that yes, I really would look awesome at 110,…
Agreeing with queenliz99 - just keep on rolling with what you're doing. Slow and steady wins the race!:) At this time of year, one could feel really deprived if one has to buckle down with an even stricter program in the hopes of losing "the last 10." Better to stick with what you're doing that's already working.
Considering getting a FitBit myself, especially since these are discreet little things that can clip on to one's bra or other clothing close to body. Especially now that I have the Health app that came with iOS8 for my iTouch. Considering upgrading to the iPhone 6 but that's another story. I have friends with FitBits and…
The areas that naturally carry the most fat are going to be the slowest to notice a difference. Keep plugging away with a sensible diet and workout program, and it will happen! Also, often, we're too hard on ourselves, and like lots of other folks commented, we don't always see the changes that other people do, especially…
Fat is not necessarily stored evenly in the body, thus the areas that have the most will show visible loss a lot more slowly than the ones that have less fat to begin with, since fat is stripped off like layers of an onion. A lot of people make the mistake of looking at their fattest areas first while trying to lose, and…
Give yourself a bit more time - your workouts will be waiting for you when you're completely better!:) Your body is still reeling a bit. Often, after such an illness, depending on how bad it was, it can take a week or two before one feels completely right. Feel much better soon!:)
If one is post-menopause, one might not be able to eat back all one's calories. Some unlucky post-menopausal souls really do have to stick to 1200 or less, even with being active, AND be low-carb besides. However, it really depends on how one's body responds anyway. Try both ways. For pre-menopausal people, I think there's…
Might have to stay at or close to that 1200, unless you're pretty active and or taller/bigger, in which case you could have a couple hundred more per day. Usually for active people there's more leeway than that, but for menopause and post-menopause, it seems that one has to automatically deduct 200 calories a day beyond…
Generally it seems that the more one has to lose, the more it takes before it becomes noticeable. For instance, it can take 20 pounds or more lost to lose that first pants size, but as one goes down in weight, it will become proportionately less before a further difference is noticed. The next size might only take 10-15,…
Awesome about your mother-in-law being quite familiar with Chinese medicine, as well as yourself. It sounds like you're doing the right thing overall. We all respond differently to different things anyway, even without menopause and beyond in the mix. Men don't understand the hormonal connection and well-being for us…
It does take all three - diet, weight-training, and cardio. But it's so easy to out-eat one's workout, so diet has to be right up there. That caloric deficit is best achieved through the combo of diet and exercise, so that one isn't totally starving, and that one isn't working out all day to make up for eating too much in…
Far more realistic is to look at someone with a similar body type as one's own, who got into great shape to see what's possible. Aside from that, also realize that massive use of Photoshop on celebrities' and models' pix has done more to skew people's ideas of perfection. Young women in particular are very susceptible to…
Hats off for aiming to get off the hormones! IMO, if one even goes with these, I think they're really only meant to be used for a short time, to get one over the hump, if one's symptoms are really that bad, and then let go later. At this time of life, we're really not supposed to have the hormonal levels of a young woman.…
At nearly 5'5", my ideal weight would be somewhere in between 114 and somewhere around 150. I'm 120 now. I'd be THRILLED to get back down to 115 or so, and there have been periods in life where I weighed around 108 for a good while. For a brief period much earlier in life, I was close to 130, and honestly, it was fat on…
I know, there's always the skinny guy who never had to think about anything with his weight that's saying "it's not that hard, people". Or maybe not the skinny guy but one's normal-weight husband who drops 3 pounds in a week just by not having as much beer and losing the dessert, while his mate sweats, starves, and…
I thought it was either one way or the other, not alternating, but I guess everyone is different as to how things behave around menopause and beyond. Doctors often tell women their boobs will shrink with menopause, but the reality is that fully 1 out of every 5 women(maybe even more)have the OPPOSITE thing happen,…
I'd say go back to being more consistent with your caloric deficit and tighten up your diet a little more. The fat WILL come off, as it comes off in layers, like an onion. Those areas that have more take more time to lose but it will happen if you do the right things with your diet. For firming up aka building muscle,do…
Enjoy your birthday, but just have SOME of the stuff. Instead of "a bunch of beers" just have a third to half the amount you would have before. Same with the snacks. Pick the ones that really are your favorites and just go with those. Track it all. Having your mobile with you will make it easier too with the MFP app on it…
"Everything. A standard meal at a fast food joint consumed 90% of the calories I should eat every day. It's why America is overweight. No one pays attention to calories and if you eat "normal" food based on hungry/not hungry cues you will almost certainly be eating a surplus, and it only takes a few years to be overweight.…
I have a very delicate bone structure(but not Asian), so 112 or so would be perfect for me. Right now, I'm a little above 120, and it SHOWS(to me anyway although other people don't notice as much) because it's all around my middle(post-menopausal), but otherwise I'm in good shape from working out.
If you're just starting at this age, do check in with a trainer to show you the ropes. Chances are he or she will give you a very basic program to start off with. Go slow, and not too heavy at first, especially if one hasn't been doing anything. Lighter weights and more repetitions are easier on older joints in general,…
It's NOT just for kids! I'm 66 and have been hoop dancing for close to 4 years now, and LOVE it. When one gets adept enough to keep the hoop up and move for a good while, it's a great cardio workout plus it's a blast with good music too! Of course, I have my other activities too like my gym workouts, Pilates mat class, and…
As someone in her late 60s, I agree 200% about the importance of building and maintaining muscle, because if we don't do anything about it, that age-related muscle loss is very real. When that happens(the muscle loss that is)all sorts of bad things set in even besides one's body going to pot(literally). Things like falls,…
Are you eating enough, and doing hard enough upper body work? You might want to add some body-weight work like push-ups, dips(both vertical and seated), planks, etc. to your workout.