lucentabella Member


  • My 6'4 300lb husband worked there. He hasn't mentioned anything about not being able to ride the rides. We are going to Disney this fall, as well. He hasn't said anything. My inlaws, who are both very overweight (father in law is at least 300) go every year. They have not made a comment about not being able to ride the…
  • I had my baby May 16. Congrats to all you mamas!
  • I can't get it to sync up either. When it tries to login with Fitbit, I get a "page unavailable" error message. Oh well. Thanks for the tip.
  • This. I'd only add, lean proteins help big time. Give yourself a few days to get used to not having as many carbs. At first, you might feel yucky. That will go away. I have insulin resistance, so I have to work within these confines each day. A general rule of thumb for regulating your blood sugar: no more than 30 grams of…
  • I like the idea of telling her I'm not available during work hours. Great job on the 101 lbs lost! That's amazing! I just went off on her last week. She snapped my head off because I said I wasn't fond of a nickname she was considering for a future kid. She demanded an apology and I told her I don't have time for this…
  • Yay for babies! I think I'd much prefer an email of the run down of whatever little things happened throughout the day then to hear it in 10 different phone calls. At least then I could just send one thought out reply.
  • You're right though. I have a bad habit of just answering it. I have never understood why she only calls during my working hours. She rarely calls in the evening (probably because my niece is home from school and her husband is home, a little later on, from work). I'm working on setting up boundaries. My bp just can't take…
  • I live in a semi-rural area. We have no sidewalks. I have to jog on the roads. In some places, there is a shoulder for me to use. I get frustrated at the drivers (and there are plenty) don't slow down and give me space. smh
  • One of our wedding cakes had a hidden Tardis!
  • bumping to come back to later
  • I think the best thing you can do, for your long-term health, is talk to a Psychatrist or Psychologist (or nutritionist/doctor/therapist/counselor) who specializes in eating disorders. Good luck.
  • Spot on. I'm like this too. I have insulin resistant. I have to watch calories and carbs.
  • Any kind of celebratory meal gets me. My big overeating triggers are alcohol, stress, and pms cravings. Sometimes my will power calls in sick.
  • You can have a calorie deficit and not lose weight. However, if that's the case you need to see a dr. Because, yes, you are correct in that 99% of the time the math should work (more out than in = weight loss). That said, protein builds muscle. Muscle is more dense than fat (one of the other by products of our food…
  • It would matter in how efficiently your body uses the fuel your giving it. If you are staying fuller and energized longer, you may inherently eat less calories to fuel yourself, since they are better fuel. You would get better gas mileage....
  • Nah, but it won't hurt to have them examined. The key is still: intake vs output. The OP can look at the diary and be honest with themself on whether or not she's meeting that requirement. Maybe hormones or whatever are causing cravings or needs that keep sabotaging their efforts. I know for me, one of the reasons I was so…
  • I definitley agree that total calories in and calories out is a huge factor in weightloss. However, the type of calories you are eating are important as well. For example, it takes more time and calories to break down and digest protein than it does a simple carbohydrate. You stay fuller longer and your less likely to have…
  • I would suggest having the vet give her a once over, just to make sure she isn't changing her behavior because of a physical condition (i.e. a brain tumor, dementia, etc...). If the dr rules out a physical cause, ask for a referal to an animal behavioral specialist. Then, work towards the solution on how to fix the…
  • I'm lactose intolerant, but crave ice cream. To beat the craving I make a protein smoothie. I use lactose free milk (fortified with calcium) and Pure Protein Whey Protein Frosty Chocolate. It tastes like a milkshake! One half cup of my lactose free milk + one half scoop is 125 calories, 10g carbs, and 16g protein. Where I…
  • ^^^ So super true!!! Your not going to die from sitting on a public toilet nor are you going to get a disease. Man this one gets me every time. And... it's GROSS... You know it's down your leg too! Yukky! [/quote] I have a friend that is totally going to read this that once told me she builds a nest. Now every time I use a…
  • There are etiquette rules...unspoken etiquette rules. You should spray and leave the fan on. Pooh in the bathroom all you want, but darn'it, spray some air neutralizer!
  • Fleet Feet, if one is near you, does an excellent job fitting shoes for runners.
  • I have a dog and a 2 million volt taser/falsh light. I got the taser on for about $30.
  • Talk to your OBGYN about insulin resistance and Metformin.
  • I might suggest, if you have access to a sewing machine, you could cut and hem a small V at the seem on the underside of your sleeve. This may alleviate some of your shirt discomfort. Keep up the healthy choices. Best of luck!
  • Those are great! I wish we had snow that lasted longer than one day! Maybe you could classify it as light/moderate lifting or yardwork? Playing with children is a cardio option. Would you equate the energy spent to something like playing with a child?
  • I have an American Pit Bull Terrier. She's kind and a goofball. She's puddy in your hands, if you rub her belly. And no, she won't attack you....unless kisses are considered attacking. She will totally dole out some kisses.
  • That is such a stupid comment to make to woman! I once replied with, "I'm not pregnant. I'm fat." Another time, I replied with, "probably around the same time as you!"
  • Ditto. It took me 10 years, but I managed to pay off my $30,000 in student loans (graduate school - undergrad was 4 years of scholarships) and save money for a house. I lived in a horrible apartment ($500 rent split with a roommate), with my crappy car (that did just fine to get me from point A to B), and ate cheap food. I…
  • It's an excellent work-out! It's fun and you burn more than you think. If you do a lot of cardio in the game, log it as cardio. If you do a lot of jumping, squating, etc..log it as calesthenics. Have fun! My Kinect Games: Adventures (lots of squat jumps and arm work) Self-Defense Training Camp (haven't tried yet) Kinect…