Fidelly Member


  • Looove hummus. It's great as a sandwich spread, too. I'dve never thought to top rice cakes with anything. EVER. I just think of them like hearty potato chips. Thanks for the suggestion!
  • Okay, I'm going to have to get make this! I've been on a serious baking kick for the past month and started back on MFP just last week so these past 7 days have been pure SUFFERING.... I love Oreos and cheesecake so I can't wait to try this this weekend!!
  • I was so surprised at how filling cheese sticks were. I was never a fan of cheese but I've been working on it for the past 2 years (I'm still wondering if that's good or bad, LOL). They do double for me, a great filling snack and a boost on my dairy intake, because I'm ALWAYS lacking in my dairy. Sargento's are really good.
  • Oh man.. I see I'm going to have to work to keep up! 2:00 and i'm only 33.8oz. in. I am not a thirsty person, LOL. Okay, here we go!
  • Thanks so much! It's been great already. Everyone's so helpful and I've gotten great snack and breakfast ideas!
  • Wait, there's a fiber counter? My diary doesn't have a fiber tracker. :grumble: Let me go check this out... ======== Found it in Settings! I :heart: these boards.
  • I'm a horrible late night snacker. Besides being a major carb hound.. :wink: I was talking to my friend this morning about it and I realized that before bed last night, when I was reading in my living room (while my sis was on the comp), I didn't have any snack cravings. It's when I get into my room and watch TV or read…