

  • SW: 225 W1W: 224 (-1 LBS) W2W: 220 (-4 LBS) !!! W3W: 221 (+1 LBS) :( W4W: 218 (-3 LBS) !!! TWL: 7 LBS Sweet! Now that's more like it!!! I would have loved to have lost at least one more pound to make it an even 8 pounds lost this month but it is what it is! I'll chase down that extra pound this coming month!!!
  • SW: 225 W1W: 224 (-1 LBS) W2W: 220 (-4 LBS) !!! W3W: 221 (+1 LBS) :( TWL: 4 LBS Bummer man. I'm not going to beat myself up too much for the one pound gain. I have always struggled during "that time of the month". All I wanted to do was eat hell off of the cross! I still went to the gym (5 times this week for 1 hour each…
  • Fist bumb to back4good! Despite some minor set backs we still ended up kicking some tail!
  • SW: 225 W1W: 224 (-1 LBS) W2W: 220 (-4 LBS) !!! TWL: 5 LBS So crazy how that works! I was sooooo strict about my diet during week one and I only lost one pound. This week I made some bad decisions regarding food but still managed to have a four pound loss! Whoot Whoot! I'm still killing it at the gym with classes and the…
  • I just can't bring myself to toss that cake! I have this thing about giving my baked cakes that have been refrigerated. I'm always paranoid that they absord the "other food smells" that are in my fridge! I'm sure that it is all in my head...but I can't shake it!
  • I'm right with you! My hubs birthday was Friday so of course I had to bake him a chocolate cake with marscapone whipped cream frosting. I couldn't just stop there...I had to bake M & M cookies as well (his fave). Before we were to indulge in sugar heaven we had reservations at his favorite Mexican food restaurant.…
  • SW: 225 W1W: 224 Weight Loss: 1 Pound I really worked hard on eating. I guess that I'm just going to have to push it harder at the gym! "One Pound at a Time"!!!
  • I'm in Houston, Texas. It's 8:51 pm here. I did really well today. My water intake is pretty bad. I really need to work on that. I took a quick jog/walk around the neighborhood due to my gym being closed to day (some freak occurence). Thank God that I took it easy on my eating or I would have been in trouble! On another…
  • The chart looks pretty amazing! Thanks for making it!
  • Here we go! CW: 225 DCG: 1220 GW: 205 Start of Challenge Weigh In: 225 W2W: W3W: W4W: W5W: W6W: W7W: Final Weigh In: Good luck everyone!!!
  • I've started Spinning again with my Hubs. We try to go at least twice a week. I'm also trying (emphasis on trying) to run a 5K. I've been dabbling with the couch to 5K program off and on for too long! So with that said when I'm not spinning I'm on a treadmill for 30 mins and weights for 30 mins. I plan on having at least…
  • I'm in! I'm trying to get back to being the girl in my profile picture! I've been struggling with my weight since having my little one (who is now two). Enough is enough! Let's do this!!! CW: 225 GW: 205 Daily Cal: 1220 Week 1 Weigh in: 225 Super duper stoked!