benztim6876 Member


  • I have a heart rate monitor that straps around my chest. How is this going to let me know how many calories I burn in a timeframe.
  • Can I go above 10 because I am a sucker for 2 women that are HOT!
  • Thanks for all the input. I have a HRM and usually my HR is about 160 for 30 minutes. When I am trying to strengthen my Cardiovascular I get my heart 175-185 and hold it there. I was not aware that you can creat your own exercises. I will have to try that. I also use the new Withings Pulse as well. I was thinking about…
  • I know this reply is a little outdated, but you have to have fruits for a balanced diet, and to maintain good health. Are there better fruit to eat than say an apple, which I love. I usually eat 1 a day, with some celery, and carrots. I could have swore a doctor told me that the sugar in fruit coupled with the fiber that…
  • Vodka Orange Juice Red Bull Redline Xtreme water Dr. pepper ten
  • Thanks for all the responses. I didn't realize that all the comments would have came in like that . I will say that I feel better all day since I Ihave changed the workout schedule to early morning. I am looking to get a BodyBugg to see if there is a calorie burn difference between morning and evening because I can tell…
  • I made the Biggest Loser Pepper's last night that I saw on Biggest Loser last week and they were AMAZING!!!!. Biggest Loser's website says that they have 140 calories per serving which is a half of a pepper, however when you type it in MyFitnessPal it comes up as 170ish. Not sure who is right or not. BEWARE - Do not…
  • Don't beat yourself up. I had gone from 240 down to 180. I feel off the wagon for about 6 months as well and put all of it back on. I am once again trying to get it back off. This time I am not going to fall off the wagon. Good luck. Tim
  • I would love to try. I am not sure if I can hold out since I have metal in my ankle, and no support in my kneee anymore after several knee surgeries. I know that I can do 30 without trying.
  • Kill the Diet soda all together. Get some of those little 8oz regualr soda's and drink 1 of those a day or every few days. Diet soda will cause you to keep the weight on if not gain it.
  • To correct everyone that is saying muscle weighs more than fat. You are incorrect. 10 pounds of muscle weighs the same as 10 pounds of fat. Muscle is just more condense. Just remember to do your cardio each day, and strength train every other day. Do pay much attention to the scales. Weigh yourself once a week just to keep…
  • I shop at Wal=Mart for most of the items that I get. Marketside Spinach - Wal-Mart's Brand Pace Chunky Salsa - ( I use it for the Salad Dressing) Onions Green Peppers Red Peppers Great Value Low Fat 1% Chocolate Milk (Great for after workout recovery) Personal Trainer Tip I buy the family pack of chicken from Wal-Mart,…
  • I would say a healthier way to get energy is with B12 vitamins. I use B complex and B12 to get me throught he day/ Since you body needs the B's anyways why not give it what it needs. I take 10,000mcg a day. I have plenty of energy.
  • Thank you for all the comments. I do 30 minutes of Cardio a day on the treadmill at about 4.0-15.0 incline @ 4.0-4.5 mph. For some reason it says that I am only burning 300 calories in that time, however the sweat is dripping off of me. As for weight training. We do things like squats, crunches, stand ups with weights in…
  • I do about 5 sets of 15 cruches everyday. I am unable to do a sit up. I am sure what measure means. I will ask my PT if they are able to do that.
  • Good for you!! You are looking pretty attractive already. I hope that you meet all your goals.