vmf04 Member


  • depending on where you work, can you replace your seat with a stability ball? I used to work for Crunch Gym as a personal trainer and our Regional Personal Training manager switched out the secretary's chair with a stability ball and had her wear a 'body bug' (those things you see the biggest loser contestants wearing on…
  • get on a good supplement, a good multivitamin that has extra B vitamins. Also, to prevent your body from slowing down and your metabolism from slowing down you HAVE to eat, even it it's small portions. eat those small portions often....every three hours. Maybe it's just half a peanut butter sandwich, or half a portion of…
  • Yikes......not smart dear. I can guarantee you are 1.) putting yourself in a serious nutrient deficit 2.) losing precious muscle tissue 3.) jeopardizing your immune system 4.) playing with fire, since it's German and not FDA regulated, you have NO idea what is really in the drink you are putting in your body 5.) slowing…
  • That is pretty typical, to feel like you are getting smaller but not losing the numbers on the scale. But lets clear up one thing...Muscle does not weight more than fat. A pound is a pound, be it, a pound of muscle, a pound of fat, a pound of peanut butter, a pound of carpet fibers...it's all ONE POUND. Now, muscle is more…
  • Believe it or not, Flat Feet/no arches etc...are a muscle imbalance and are completely fixable. I noticed that ALL the advice you had from people were "ORTHODICS"....but that doesn't FIX the problem really. If you really want to fix the problem, start by rolling your arches with a golf ball. There is a muscle that…
  • I don't want to discourage you, but weight loss is an over all thing. You can't "spot" lose. BUT you can strengthen your hips by doing a Glute Bridge. If you want to seriously start seeing a difference in your body composition (as in, less fat, more toned lean muscle) you need to get off the treadmill and pick up some…