At home exercises for hips?

I haven't taken any inches off my hips in about 3 weeks. - what are some good exercises I can do at home to target this area?

thanks everyone!

(BTW I usually walk or use a stationary bike for exercise now, plus some dancing and occasional other stuff.)


  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Zumba :) I was walking mostly for exercise, and I finally lost like half an inch after I started Zumba...hoping that if I keep it up that will be more lol
  • vmf04
    vmf04 Posts: 7 Member
    I don't want to discourage you, but weight loss is an over all thing. You can't "spot" lose. BUT you can strengthen your hips by doing a Glute Bridge. If you want to seriously start seeing a difference in your body composition (as in, less fat, more toned lean muscle) you need to get off the treadmill and pick up some dumbbells. When you start strengthening your muscles and building lean muscle, it will speed up your metabolism which will burn fat. So, you would be fighting flab on TWO upping your metabolism and also toning the muscle underneath so that you get that 'tighter, leaner' look. Don't be afraid of lifting will not "GET HUGE" like a body builder. Happy Training!
    **look up Glute Bridge on this website...and make sure you squeeze your butt/glutes hard the whole time. :)
    (there are GREAT instructional videos by certified Trainers....stay away from YouTube, too many people giving examples of BAD form and dangerous posture, you don't need that)

    NASM Trainer
  • redefiningmyself
    redefiningmyself Posts: 476 Member
    I know I can't work fat off a specific area, but I was looking for exercises I could do at home to tone those muscles. I think that would help with the inches in that area.

    In the summer when its warm there are so many activities to do but now that its getting cold, I don't really want to be outside.
    Probably we will join a gym for the winter months, but in the meantime I'd like to do as much as I can at home.

    Thanks everyone for your suggestions! :flowerforyou: