suzmagana Member


  • I like having smoothies at lunch (1/2 cup each plain yogurt, blueberries, soy milk with big handful kale or spinach and a scoop of protein powder), but for some reason when I have it for breakfast I never feel as full and am hungrier earlier that I should be for lunch. Don't know if it's all psychological or if I'm just…
  • I agree with other posters in regard to body dysmorphia. At 5'4 you are at a healthy weight now. I'm 5'4" and was my healthiest/fittest at 120 (was 114 then started running and put on muscle). You are still wearing larger sizes because you are hiding your body. Go to a doctor and have your physical health assessed…
  • I was obsessing about this yesterday. Really tried to figure out what i needed to do to up my potassium and it's hard! I have noticed that a lot of foods don't report the K tho. When I used the bar code scanner to enter my yogurt it said N/A for K but really has 240. When I saw that I gave up :).
  • I keep tuna in my desk drawer. For those days that I didn't pack my lunch well, I have that to fall back on when I get hungry in afternoon.
  • Almost every time I have a bad craving, when I look at my food intake for the day I ate too many simple carbs and not enough protein. Looking at your food log today, it looks like you might have done the same. (I am sitting a work today with a bunch of brownies in the breakroom!!! grrr...) Maybe a small scoop of peanut…
  • I like this idea! We need to stick together. I am a 37 year old, married 12 years, with boys 6 and 3. I lost the weight fine after baby #1, but after baby #2 it never happened. I had lots of excuses - busy with boys and work. I kept telling meself I'd be easier and I'd have more time after both were in school and then…
  • I do my research too, just in different places than you do. Like... A study published in the journal Zoonoses Public Health The researcher took samples of 166 commercial frozen raw foods at randomly selected pet food stores in Canada. The salmonella prevelance was 21% Another study published in Canadian vet journal looked…
  • I agree about limited training in nutrition overall, but I have never received a "kick back" from a fet food company. Cheese is about as good for dogs as it iis for humans. So, no, not very good. Many dogs are lactose intolerant and it's very high in fat. A toy poodle probably needs about 150 calories a day. One cube of…
  • Sigh... This was going to be the first answer I agreed with until the comment about properly done raw diet. THERE IS NO SUCH THING. Dogs get salmonella and pathologic e coli just like people do. It's not safe. Don't do it. Ever. And yes, I am a vet. Toys poodles have more than their fair share of liver problems that can…
  • That was my sister's goal in high school. She's 5'4" and was about 120lb when this started. She got that gap at about 85 lb. Then my parents finally got involved and my sister got the therapist and started putting the weight back on. Don't set goals just on looks, esp. on one body part. Feel good, have energy.
  • That's pretty much what I do. I measure out what I want and log it before I eat it. Sometimes it gives the craving time to pass, or I see how horrible it really is and can talk myself out of it, or I decide it is worth it but figure out how much extra I'll need to run that night to make up for it. Logging it first helps me…
  • I lost 10- lbs in about 5 weeks at 1200 cal day and then NOTHING for the last month. Eating about the same. Working out about the same. I have friends who swear by the "cheat day" - 1 day a week of super high calories to "reset your metabolism." Have any of you done it? Do you see it making a difference?