tripgrunt Member


  • Private kickboxing lessons, personal training 3x week, volleyball league, tattoos, travel to ireland & australia, guitar lessons, museums, rockclimbing, buy movies... i'm sure i could think of more lol
  • i will do my best & let you know...
  • I know what you mean, Stephen. I played sports in middle school & high school. i've done several sports since HS but have been really inconsistent (or even nonexistent in some years). so i've been trying to get back in shape so i can rollerblade & play volleyball again this summer and eventually take up kickboxing again.…
  • i would also log it as pilates then add exercise note to specify any extra details. or you could also choose "create new exercise" option. hope this helps.
  • @amccord2 thank you for the link. i frequently go over my sodium, even when i buy low sodium products, rarely add salt to my food while eating, and i don't buy buy chips, etc so going over my sodium intake was very frustrating. the article was very helpful. knowing that draining & rinsing will remove the majority of sodium…
  • with so much interest in this topic, maybe a new forum category or group could be created by any trainers using MFP to help motivate & give advice? just think that would be a more organized way of tracking advice, etc and multiple trainers would help lighten the load also (nate has 300+ friends, guy is gonna be busy lol).
  • i keep going over my sugars & sodium. and i can't even figure out how the MFP app figures out my sugar & sodium since it's not the total intake for the day or any other combination i've been able to figure out (i sent them an email for a better understanding of the behind the scenes math). i've cut back on both, buy fake…
  • i'm in the same boat. i do have some volleyball aquaintances that i could probably get once in awhile but that's inconsistent and they're at a higher level than me and i dont want to bring them down. i've been trying to be more outgoing at the gym but being an extremely shy person it's difficult for me. i'm trying to start…
  • i've always been told by nurses no strenuous activity for 48hrs because my body needs to rebuild what i've donated.
    in Blood Comment by tripgrunt February 2012
  • nope, no recipe found. i picked up from local bakery & they don't have nutritional info figured out (nor do they want to give away recipe).
  • i can relate as well. it's a gym, not a high school hallway. if you're going to socialize & NOT workout, get out of the way.