

  • Ugh, people like you really keep me sane sometimes, I swear! See, I know all of the things that you mention about taking breaks and being more understanding with myself, but the problem is when I'm in that mind state, I don't truly believe them. I think there is a distinction between knowing something/having knowledge…
  • I think I was labeled as almost everything: Slut Prude Nerd Preppy Punk/Goth Band geek Outcast...... It goes to show what BS labels are, to begin with! xD
  • Thank you everybody for your support and positive encouragement, I really appreciate it! ^.^
  • I never said that you were claiming to be a therapist. I said that not being licensed to provide therapeutic suggestions yet still insisting on providing them to people in crisis/need of support is more often than not damaging, illegal (since you brought up your obligations to do these things in a classroom setting), and…
  • I think that all addictions are the same, in the basis of their existence. I believe that we all search for something to take the pain away, and for some addictions/compulsive-anxiety reducing behaviors is what works. Now, that being said, having the same basis does not imply the same experience. Somebody experiencing an…
  • I am already in a therapy program to learn how to deal with these sorts of things, which is why I asked for support as opposed to advice. For me it's not a matter of recognizing triggers, because I am more than aware of them. For me, it's about finding enough worth in my existence, to avoid these triggers, and stop being…
  • Like I said in my post, I know about how to prevent binge eating. I know eating a healthy amount decreases the likelihood of a binge. Thank you for the reassurance with the weight gain. <3 I ONLY keep healthy, gluten free, organic and vegan foods in my dorm room. However, if you have any experience with binge eating, you…