what were you labeled as in high school??



  • blu_meanie_ca
    blu_meanie_ca Posts: 352 Member
    I am to understand that people thought me to be a stoner (which is funny as I've always been completely anti-drug) and a bit of a *kitten*. I've also been told the chics that called me a *kitten* were jelous because I had boobs first, and they thought my boyfriend was hot.
  • bethygirlie
    bethygirlie Posts: 311 Member
    I was always the fat girl, also I was a "dork" apparently. But the only thing that saved me was that I got a ride to school in a Lincoln Town car every morning then I got a red mustang when I was 17 and everyone kind of thought I had money so they left me alone. There were only a few people that made comments.
  • Doughnut
  • prudism
    prudism Posts: 149 Member
    ice queen still am actually (though I have melted somewhat) lol
  • Bad *kitten* stoner chick
  • ericalynn104
    ericalynn104 Posts: 382 Member
    Band geek and theatre nerd! And darn proud of both of them!
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    band nerd & i was quite fine with tht.
    Also was the girl none of the boys wanted, that I wasn't fine with.
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    Poor, brainy (sometimes), shy, weird.
  • The fat, emo, nerdy, outcast kid. Weird combo but well, describes me and who I was :)
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    I started my own clique of geeks which turned into a mass group of kids who were always hanging out in school and doing fun stuff together. After I graduated it grew to enormous proportions. Needless to say no one could threat them or pick on them.
  • I think I was labeled as almost everything:

    Band geek

    It goes to show what BS labels are, to begin with! xD
  • Mighty_Rabite
    Mighty_Rabite Posts: 581 Member
    I never really had much of a label - I was (and still am) the guy who could get along with anyone and everyone.

    I'll be attending my ten year high school reunion later this year though and I have a feeling I might acquire some form of status related with "fitness guru" perhaps!
  • pen2u
    pen2u Posts: 224 Member
    Yikes! High school was quite a few decades ago, but I remember it like it was yesterday. I was called the Acid Queen 'cos I sometimes wore a brightly colored paisley dress.
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    Fat girl. Definitely a nerd, good grades and I even babysat for my teachers. That pretty much much says it all.
    PHLLLY Posts: 160 Member
    Skater, nerd, jock...the list went on. I was apart of a lot of different groups and everyone associated me with everything. lol I made an effort to accept everyone and be friendly.
  • LatinaButterfly
    LatinaButterfly Posts: 192 Member
    Cheerleader... Cause I was one. :P
  • nerd
  • serena569
    serena569 Posts: 427 Member
    ice queen still am actually (though I have melted somewhat) lol

    That's what I got called in college.
  • KiiAttitude
    KiiAttitude Posts: 207 Member
    rebel and crazy! no idea why :o...
    JMSIA Posts: 2
    My freshman and sophomore year, I was a band geek; junior year, I was an art freak. My senior year, I was a loner, for the most part. I had friends the first half of the year but ended the year with none.
    Of course, I was always the fat kid. Usually the biggest kid at school and now, probably the biggest person most people have seen all day.