

  • Sorry guys, I kind of forgot to check back on this... Spelt flour is usually available at grocery stores, in the "organics" section. Of course, Whole Foods and the likes would also carry it. As for date paste, it's something that you can easily make yourself by processing soaked dates into a nice smooth puree. There is a…
  • Check out my blog... I've got tons of recipes on there. Surely you will find a thing or two that will inspire you!
  • I too happen to have an INCREDIBLE sweet tooth. To this day, this would be the only addiction that I haven't completely conquered. I'm working on it big time though... I'm learning to live without it, slowly but surely. I'm currently on a 30 day sugar free challenge, where I allow myself NO SUGAR whatsover, save for that…
  • Only one more to go! You're at 279 now! :)
  • HUGE CONGRATS!!! You oughta be super proud of yourself. Keep going! ps your first time starting a post... my first time posting! I just couldn't stay silent and not congratulate you...