My food is boring me.....

All I eat is chicken and vegetables. Everyday. Pretty much the same thing everyday. I need some new tips to eat the same things, but make it a little bit better. I am clean eating, little to no carbs, but would like to cook more and make healthier recipes that I will enjoy and not get bored of...any one have any ideas? Or links to good recipes? Please share!


  • Troublemonster
    Troublemonster Posts: 223 Member
    Are we just talking about broiled/baked chicken and steamed veggies? I could see how someone would get tired of eating that. If it were me I would get variety by changing up cooking methods such as stir frying etc and bring different flavors to the party, asian for example.

    I'm really into food and can't stick to a plan that denies me the ability to eat what I want. I dropped 37 pounds in about 6 months and I am still eating steaks and pork chops etc. It's all about moderation and portion control. Any diet that restricts your diet so severely that you hate the foods you're allowed is a diet that is doomed to fail from the start.

    Good luck, throw in some curve balls every once in a while and do your taste buds a favor. If you really want to try to stick to the chicken and vegetables realm then I can only suggest you change up your veggies and play with different concoctions for marinades. I really like chicken marinated in balsamic vinegar. I am also a fan of tropical fruit flavors for a glaze on chicken ie pineapple with something savory added to that to bring a little depth to the flavor.

    A nice piece of lean beef or pork here and there won't hurt you.
  • Throw together a nice green salad packed with veggies. And then cook yourself a chicken breast and throw it in the salad. Switch up your seasonings on your veggies and chicken. We've got a load of different one night I might cook chicken but throw lemon pepper seasoning on it...and another night I might use some sage and garlic.

    But, as Troublemonste said, it's all about moderation and portion control. I find when I get bored with the same old foods is when I fall off the healthy eating wagon. So change it up some how. ^_^

    ETA: Because I cook for a family of 5 (4 adults and 1 child) I vary our menu. When I make tacos, I use ground turkey...and rarely buy sour cream. When I make meatloaf, I use ground turkey. And I'll let a pork tenderloin cook in the crock put all day and turn it into shredded pork when it's done. Those who want to make a sandwich out of it can, and those that just want a small portion on a plate with some veggies can do that as well.

    For chicken, find and try the two above. The green can on chicken served over brown rice and black beans has become a once a week staple. I know you said you were low carb but the blue can on chicken (or better yet lamb) served over quinoa with diced cucumber, lemon juice and feta is a healthy meal that we actually have dinner guests request.

    What flavors do you like? Spicy? Southwestern? Italian?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Why do u only eat chicken and veg?
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Do you like other meats or seafood?
  • Check out my blog... I've got tons of recipes on there. Surely you will find a thing or two that will inspire you!
  • Dedicatediva
    Dedicatediva Posts: 32 Member
    Try adding a different veggie once a week and find new ways to cook your veggies. Also experiment with the things you like most. I eat spinach mushrooms and onion pretty much everyday but I also try new recipes all the time. Add in fish (tilipia salmon and tuna fish). Also beans are great as well I love black, navy, and kidney beans.
  • If you can find a way to check out the Hairy Dieters it's brilliant (a BBC series where cooks the Hairy Bikers lost about 42lb each in three months without eating boring grub). They've got various recipes online at
  • theinsanityofme
    theinsanityofme Posts: 44 Member
    Make a chilli and lime paste and coat it over the chicken, yum yum. A few fresh salads with a little balsamic glaze. My fave atm.
  • Why do u only eat chicken and veg?

    That was just an example. I eat fish, canned tuna, pork or beef once a week or every other week, and things like that. Low carb can just get boring sometimes, so I'm trying to find new recipes!

    And yes everyone, I like spices!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Try eating lean red meat.
  • fairestthings
    fairestthings Posts: 335 Member
    When I need some healthy, clean culinary inspiration I dive onto Pinterest's health board, (FABULOUS recipe database for those watching their weight -- the eggplant parm is AWESOME), and I begin Googling whatever i'm craving. If i want pizza, I try to make a healthier version of that the next week from a recipe I Googled or I came up with.

    Try adding lentils, beans, quinoa, spaghetti squash, dried edamames, soy beans, almonds, pistachios, rice cakes in your cupboards so you will have nice healthy snacks to switch around. As for the high protein meat, get a new one maybe every week? One week buy salmon, another week pork, another beef, another chicken, etc.

    Then go on Seriously. Awesome site!
  • Unfortunately I don't have a blog but I have tons of ideas I am more than happy to share with you! Message me and I'd be glad to help! I'm trying out a low carb diet too avoiding all complex carbs/grains as I can for 2 of the 3 meals of the day. For dinner tonight I dry rubbed 4 oz of chicken with Tuscan spices, grilled then served with a caprese salsa. This went with a half a romaine heart that had been grilled on the outside BBQ as well as served with thinly sliced onions, avocado and jalapeño dressing. It was all under 500 calories and SO SATISFYING! Good luck!
  • caterpillardreams
    caterpillardreams Posts: 476 Member
    So many amazing options out there. Well since you eat veggies that is a great start. Hoe do u cook them? The other night I made curry chicken with brocolli and mushrooms over brown rice. Simple ingredients not too much work and bam delicous dinner. You can find some easy recipes online.
    Do you watch cooking channels I find $10 dinner show to have very easy to follow meals and affordable.
    You can roast your veggies , with olive oil and seasonings.
    You can make a veggies lasagna with wheat noodles if you pasta.
    Crockpot. Throw it all in and bam bam amazing meals you can make chicken chile with beans and loads of veggies, corn, mushrooms, peppers, tomatoes.
    Crockpot soups, chicken soup, sausage and kale with white beans.
    Taco soup
    The possibilities are endless.
    keep searching, make a folder on your computer, save it all, and maybe even print and have it handy for when you do cook.
  • Thank you everyone!