theryan244 Member


  • No reasonable proponent of flexible dieting advocates overlooking micros or fiber. Just ****ing drop this argument, I'm sick of hearing it. True flexible dieting does not insists you "just get all of your calories from McDonalds," or some bull**** like this, so just stop.
  • Tip: I wouldn't squat with the smith machine for the purpose of safety.
  • GF isn't a fad? Tell that to the thousands, if not millions of perfectly gluten tolerant people hoping on GF because they heard from ****ing Dr. Oz or some other wack job/idiot who doesn't know what they're talking about that gluten makes you unhealthy and fat. How can one not acknowledge the fad-style, "cultish" embrace…
  • Solid post. I'm apprehension to add this in fear of a **** storm but... #21: The large irrelevance of meal timing if it wasn't mentioned.
  • Not sure... If serious.
  • I specifically said when people directly insult another's appearance. I had read a few different overly critical comments, none of which were from you, by people who are in no position to criticize another's physical appearance. I was making a general statement not directed at any single individual in hopes to eliminate…
  • ... It pisses me off when people directly insult another's appearance unwarranted on the internet. Kate Upton is a bombshell. If you don't agree with my opinion, how can one possibly disagree with the fact that she is still more attractive than 95% of the female population?
  • You can eat and drink anything and still lose weight. To add, the cancer causing claims regarding diet beverages have zero application in a practical sense.
  • This ↑... Or you can just keep believing you're some kind of special snowflake and the universal laws of thermodynamics don't apply to you. Until a more thorough, truthful understanding is reached, I'm likely going to continue getting frustrated when people make fallacious claims and attempt to pass them off as truth...…
  • Stop. This is not even remotely close to the truth. I do not understand why this is even an issue of debate.
  • Don't make these sorts of absolute statements.
  • I assumed the OP was a dude but I was mistaken... That calorie count isn't ridiculously low for females. Honestly I don't like making recommendations to females but the method I suggested to get to your macros should still be applicable, nonetheless.
  • The OP said he wants to bulk. These are skimpy macros for a beginner trying to put on mass and your reasoning to get to these numbers are unjustified. Forget percentages. 0.4g - 0.5g per pound of body weight for fat 0.8g - 1g per pound of body weight for protein Fill the remaining calories with carbs You could make lean…
  • A couple co-workers rip on me for what I eat at work... It doesn't offend me though. Next time I would recommend not going to a supervisor and just telling the guy to **** off, it's just a food choice.
  • True, some people can't recover fast enough with just one day rest. You would have the weekends off though... Upper/lower/off seems to work well for most intermediates.
  • The gains you will make from 3 full body workouts a week are not even comparable to the gains you will get out of the protocol in question
  • If you want to weight train three days a week, why not experiment with full body workouts? Mon/Wed/Fri on. Tues/Thurs/Sat/Sun off. Unless you plan on purchasing anabolics, abandon the 7 day a week "bro split."
  • When the **** did I ever say that understanding the science behind bodybuilding was "overwhelmingly necessary?" I never once insinuated this just like how I never suggested that these "bro-science" methods like eating every two hours won't give you results. You can do your carb backloading, insulin spiking, low GI carb,…
  • "I can't lose weight because my metabolism sucks."... Eat a deficit and you'll lose weight. You're not a snowflake.
  • I swear you're trolling or something. Did you really just compare bodybuilding to ancient sculptures? How is this relevant in any sense? All this demonstrates is that people a few hundred year ago were really good at making sexy looking statues. This does absolutely nothing in terms of moving your argument forward. And you…
  • This is what you said... "Please, stop with the cultist belief in so-called scientists...their story changes every few years with "more data" and "new observations" They always begin their story-changing with the phrase "recent research suggests" or "recent studies show" and then will appear at midway "contrary to a…
  • This isn't necessarily true either. Traditional strength training will do wonders for hypertrophy. Women's legs tend to blow up when they get trained as opposed to men who usually have small lower bodies when compared to their upper body. This is likely due to androgen receptor density differences between male and females…
  • The hypocrisy shines yet again. I always find it humorous when people insult science via the internet. It's absolutely mind-blowing to me that one can even consider constructing an anti-science argument and still participate as an active member of society. Cognitivedissonance.jpeg. Judging from my observations, the…
  • If you truly think that mentally masturbating over minutia like carb spiking insulin, GH secretion in relation to diet , etc. will significantly impact your results when compared to someone who disregards endogenous hormones then you're mistaken. I see three different possibilities. Number one, you're hopelessly mistaken…
  • Using that logic I would have to play professional football to tell you how to win a game or I would have to first jump off a 50 story building in order to know if I'm I am going to die or not. A basic understanding of gravity allows me to make a confident judgement before I jump. I can provide people with information…
  • Yeah man, you're 5 years older than me, you're so cool bro. It's pathetic when people use age as an insult or as a tool to build themselves up. ... Once again I don't have to say anything to expose ignorance. This is a lost cause. You're hopeless if you don't reconsider those statements. You of course don't have to…
  • When did I ever say low those obscure carb diets don't work? An enormous misconception people have is thinking I'm claiming these things won't get people results. They very well may, but this does not mean they are magical, necessary, safe or optimal. I can achieve the exact same results with less effort and stress if I…