grho Member


  • Do you eat breakfast? Sometimes I find if I eat a good breakfast with protein it helps me keep from binging later in the day. Also, I would add some veggies-they will add some fiber and you can a lot for a little calories. I am not sure what your calorie goal was, but it doesn't seem like it was very high-maybe it was too…
  • Great job Julie! It is really inspiring to see you running and to keep seeing all the progress you are making!
  • Great Job!
    in 66 pounds Comment by grho June 2013
  • I would like to join too!
  • I haven't really been working out so I am just starting too. I have been starting with the kettlebell, since I do have one of those already. Once I get into a routine with that I may look at heavier weights or a gym.
  • When I put in your stats it shows below BMR for a 20% cut, I would probably start with only a 15% maybe? That shows above BMR. I am new to this though so maybe someone else can weigh in. I would also try maybe adding in some exercise. The lowest level on Scooby's calc is 1-3 hours light exercise/week (which isn't much).…
    in Below bmr Comment by grho May 2013
  • I also like the healthy choice meals, especially the steamers. I don't eat them at home, but they make a nice lunch and I like them better than a sandwich or leftovers. Fast and easy to take with too. :)
    in Holy Grail Comment by grho April 2013
  • I sure could use some help. I have a long way to go and with out someone looking over my shoulder I tend to slack (I always did really well on weight watchers when I had someone actually looking at my weight every week!)
  • I usually weigh in every morning, right when I wake up. I don't stress out over a little up and down, and when I stop weighing every day is when I start to get off track...
  • Honestly (or sadly rather) my main excuse is I don't like having to get ready to work out. As in I have to go change my clothes, put on sports bra, tennis shoes, etc. I do a little better if I tell myself I can just walk barefoot on the treadmill, but still for some reason the is just a big barrier for me to get ready to…
    in No Excuses Comment by grho April 2013
  • I'm here. I have been pretty slacker (and it shows). Even when I am on I don't post a lot but I do enjoy reading! PS-Julie, I was going to comment on your profile earlier today when I was reading my news feed but your profile pic is awesome! I love seeing all your c25k updates too! Go you! :)
  • I know this thread is a couple of weeks old, but my friend posted this article on facebook tonight and I thought it expressed what I was trying to say really well:
  • I also really like using reduced fat garden veggie cream cheese on my sandwich in place of mayo and cheese. I don't like mustard either.
  • I really like swimming and water aerobics, both are easy to manage with extra weight. Especially in the chest. :)
  • I am with you. I really dislike having my picture taken, and especially video, especially when I haven't "prepared" for it-hair done, clothes that I think make me look good. I have been working not worrying about it so much because as I look back through pictures of my kids I realize there aren't very many with me in them.…
  • I like Kohls and JC Penny. Also Old Navy on occasion, Dillards if I can find a good sale, and of course some from Walmart too. I'm a little sad our Fashion Bug just closed at the end of the year (It was the closest, besides Walmart, to my house). As much as I like shopping online I don't buy much for myself online because…
  • I'll be 32 next week. What's sad is I saw a thread the other day for people in there 20's (with some other specifics) and got all excited...then I remembered I'm not in my 20's anymore! :)
  • I really like Lindsey Brinn Shed 5 Fast workouts. She is a little nicer than Jillian. :)
  • Julie,I have the paid app-for android at least I think the difference is it doesn't shut off if your phone goes to sleep and you can go out of the app and leave it running in the background. Not sure if it is the same for iphone. Also, it is pretty pricey but I also have a bigger chest (38G) which makes running difficult.…
    in c25k Comment by grho January 2013
  • So far so good. Down 5 pounds and I have exercised probably 4 or 5 days (Nothing really intense but some is more than none, which is my norm!) I loved the bit about walking on the treadmill with two people on your back! Hilarious!
  • Wow! That is awesome!
    in GIFT Comment by grho January 2013
  • Never too late to join! ;) I got in my 30 minutes of exercise (who would have though Just Dance Disney would be so intense!) and was under goal (thanks to the exercise calories burned)!.
  • I've never had a problem with breakfast foods-We eat them a lot of times for dinner too! My normal breakfasts are: -Quaker lower sugar oatmeal -Chobani Greek Yogurt w/1 TBS of Chia Seeds -1/2 c egg beaters w/toast or half a bagel and butter (Land O'Lakes spreadable light) -Egg beaters and low-fat cheese in a quesidilla or…
  • Definitely up for a walk or something...maybe once it is over 15 degrees outside! :) Good so far today. Under goal and working on the exercise right now (walking on treadmill while catching up on the message board) Thanks for keeping up on the thread and keeping everyone motivated!
  • Mainly watching portion sizes, tracking and counting calories. I am also cutting out all "desserts" (Candy, cookies, cake, etc) for this year (except for one on my b-day). I know moderation is key but right now with that stuff I just can't moderate. It is tough but doable (at least for awhile) because I did the same thing…
  • I to join! I didn't exercise today but I was under my cal goal! As for nsv, it was yesterday but I went to a wedding shower and I didn't eat any of the candy that was sitting out (even though we were standing around talking in front of it and everyone else was) or eat any cupcakes. I have acutally decided to go cold turkey…
  • Thats sounds really good! I'm going to have to give it a try.
    in Lunches.... Comment by grho January 2013
  • I am not a huge fan of salad as a meal (at least not on a regular basis) or leftovers and sandwiches (my hubby`s norm) A lot of times I will take a frozen dinner or a can of soup (check labels, you canfindsomedecentones). I also like egg salad sandwiches, cheese and cracker combos (like a lunchable but I make it myself so…
    in Lunches.... Comment by grho January 2013
  • Will they do the multigrain cheerios? They are a little bit sweet and my kids really like those even though they don't do the plain cheerios. They also like Life cereal a lot.