sharebear2012 Member


  • Feel free to add me. I am pretty regular on there and some of the regular friends have dropped off (it happens...). Trying to get 10 pounds off but I keep yo-yoing it............I am on a roll right now and staying off the scale until I see inches off. As soon as I see the scale moving I seem to think I can cheat and then…
  • While I was in Portugal for a couple of weeks I ate the Mediterranean diet of the area. Lots of fish (low calorie, high quality protein. Lots of vegies. Little starch. A bit of bread in the morning only and some fruit with cheese. Ate well, drank wine. Lost 2 pounds without trying. Healthy balanced and was never hungry.…
  • Congratulations! Amazing transformation! You must feel so great. Thanks for sharing. As a fellow shorty our calorie counts are so low its hard to lose fast. WTG
  • Cardio and if you log it there are a lot of calories burned! Such fun too!
  • HI all, Thanks so much to Boulevard for all the motivation and inspiration. This is the best challenge I joined, love the group and find the people very encouraging. I just read through and everyone lost weight!! Way to go! Several are short a couple of pounds from goal but clearly doing the right things as all progress is…
  • I would love to stay in the next challenge. I did not quite reach my goal and still have another 5 pounds to go. I love this challenge group! Motivated, supportive and happy people. You all rock! Count me in please. I am thankful for those who will moderate., I know I do not have time to be reliable. Thanks so much for…
  • HI all, Great to see the progress of Boulevard, Skittle and Spambo! I have been on a 10 day work travel trip, long hours, restaurant food and hard to get exercise. Proud to say I did not gain any weight. Did not lose, but I knew that would not be possible. I have 3 weeks before my vacation, enough time to get 2 or 3 more…
  • Wow everyone is doing so well! Great work. SW 130 CW 124 GW 118 I was down to 122.2 but that only lasted a day! Back up to 12 today. One day of increased eating on Saturday with social activities and alcohol (I was way over my calories but not excessively)! Alcohol is a killer for the figure I guess. Why does it take so…
  • :happy: Sounds great to me! I have a trip to Spain and Portugal leaving Easter weekend so I hope to pretty close to my goal weight by then. A challenge sounds like what I need! Tell me what I need to do. :happy:
  • Great to see everyone either lost or stayed even! PW 124.6 CW 123.8 Making some progress, down 6.2 in total.
  • We are into the final month of my favourite challenge! I am so inspired by this group and the progress you are making. Great people. My goal was 10 pounds. It doesn't sound like much but those final 10 pounds take longer! I have had weeks of travel where I was not as good and it shows. SW 130 CW 123.8 (.6 down since last…
  • Sounds like you are doing the right things and sometimes the scale stops dropping for a week or two and then bam you are down. You said 1200 calories is net so I assumed you are eating your calories back. To keep the hunger at bay try ensuring you have a good protien at each meal, eggs, lean meat or fish. When you eat a…
  • Thanks for sharing your amazing journey! You have done so well. Congratulations and I wish you the best on the continuing journey to live healthy!
  • Doing ok, but scale has not moved. Not motivating when you put out the effort but results do not come. Hanging in there, going to gym shortly.
    in :-( Comment by sharebear2012 March 2014
  • 5 things I want to do every day this week 1) Stay within my calorie goal or slightly below 2) Get an hour of exercise each day, combo cardio and weights 3) Drink 6 glasses of water a day 4) Stay off the coffee (caffiene bothers me) 5) Do some yoga and/ or meditation each day
  • Late posting this SW 130 CW 124.6 GW 118 Slowly getting there, cannot believe how slow it is but I guess progress at least.
  • Then go to enter this simplest of food into my diary, and face the most epic quest I have ever encountered trying to log it in. First entry I found the person who entered it is delusional and thinks 1 cup is 10 calories. Moving on I go to the next one, they have decided that 1/2 a cup is 598 calories. Really?! Ok, regroup…
  • You are in pain sweetheart and you need help now. I am a clinician and I suspect you are seriously depressed and the food issues are just a symptom. You are young, and you have not yet developed the coping skills for everything you will deal with certain things in life just yet. This is common at your age and completely…
  • Feel free to add me. You can lose it, one day at a time.......I am on for gaining weight once again. The good news is that my big weight loss was in 2007and this time I only let myself get up 12 pounds, last time it was 20. This is a lifelong battle of the buldge. We are all in it together. Not easy but we can change our…
  • Long, cold winter for sure. One month to go........better than facing it in December knowing many months to go. Tired of the cold for sure.Looking forward to my summer clothes fitting as I have lost enough to be down a size! I have logged in almost every day and its a big help and motivator talking with others on the…
  • Glad you are back! You have been my inspiration and you have been through some ups and downs, nice to know the leader is human too! I had been really stuck on the scale. So I started drinking water, was able to stay home a week (travel ++ for work) and did a one day smoothie cleanse. Seemed to kick start my weight loss…
  • I am in! SW 130 GW 118 CW 124.6 Goal for this challenge 120 Good luck!
  • Similar story, in my mid 50's and lifetime battle! Getting better though, this time I am up only 12 pounds and working on that. But I have been yo' yoing too many times! Sent you a friend request.
  • I had a look at your food intake and it looks pretty balanced, you have protien and carb every meal so that is good. You do not say your weight and height so hard to know what you should be eating but 1500 calories is not unhealthy. But if you were eating 3000 a day before it could be a huge shock to your body. You should…
  • Congrats on all the losses. Sorry to hear some of you and Cool chick had a rough week. I am not travelling for work this week and its so much easier to diet! I did a smoothie fast Monday and increased my water intake. Have been good at getting to gym this week. SW 130 GW 118 CW 124.6 Long time since scale moved so pretty…
  • SW 130 GW 118 CW 124.6 Finally losing! Did a smoothie fast day Monday to try to kick start. Think it worked. Also increased water intake.
  • SW 130 pounds CW 126 pounds GW 118 pounds Have not lost in a while since Jan. Doing the right things but not moving.............staying with it.
  • Rowing is a great cardio alternative you might be able to do!
  • Hi all, back from my travels so weight loss suffered....... SW 130 pounds CW 125.8 GW 118 To a week of lost weight!! Going for a 6 am run tomorrow in the bitter cold (-20).
  • Wow congratulations! You look fantastic! Inspirational story.