JSHamm Member


  • Using some good shoes is definitely helpful but I would avoid using running shoes. They have extra cushioning that'll hamper your stability especially when pushing heavier weights. I've seen a lot of people recommend good ole' converse. hard sole, not a lot of cushion and fairly inexpensive.
  • Imagine you're going to sit on a box when going down. You could also actually put some type of box behind you that you could sit on to practice with. but yeah, anyway, your knees shouldn't go past the front of your toes if that helps at all.
    in Squats Comment by JSHamm July 2014
  • currently wolfing down an entire can of goya black beans with sriracha chili sauce mixed in. oh my god it's manna... 315 calories, 24.5 grams protein, 21 grams fiber.
  • different shoes for different people so there's no really "best" shoe. find a local running store and get a gait analysis done. try on a few pairs based on those results and go with what's most comfortable. then, you know, go run.
  • So as not to break a commandment, this is a copy paste from another forum post: "To work out energy expenditure in joules, you multiply average power (/1000) by time in seconds. Thus, the work done in 1-hr at 190 W avg is 684 kj (0.19 x 3600). To convert this to kcal you divide by 4.18, i.e., 164 kcal. However, the human…
  • It's not "starting fresh"; it's living your life. What you do is log it - the burger, the fries, the drink and then you move on. The thing is you were honest with yourself about it which is a huge hurdle for a lot of people. Maybe it wiped out today but it didn't for tomorrow. One of the greatest demoralizers is beating…
  • I've read a half oz to one oz of water per lb of body weight so you're 6 - 16.9 oz per day are within range. dare i say have another?
  • I think you should take that scale then attach it to a rope behind your bike and drag it behind you on your next ride until it's a splintering mess of parts. I bolded the things you've already noticed so you obviously notice changes. I dunno, maybe add some "HIIT-style" to your bike ride. go fast fast fast - it's never…
  • bullet point format: Used it, it's ok, depressing if used as directed. real food good. Nice to have on hand when rushed, need quick meal most likely better served with whey protein shake (on whey good brand) personally have a few tubs on hand if needed, use chewy time food otherwise. below this post you'll have haters and…
    in herbalife Comment by JSHamm July 2014
  • My wife and I were in Atlantic City a few months ago and as we were getting off the elevator an older man was coming in. I was carrying a rather large fountain soda and as he passed us he said "Big boy with his soda". I laughed the entire day at that. Just the way he said it was so matter of fact. I thought it was…
  • I currently started using it (no corporate shill) but I think there has to be a good balance. I find it easier to whip up in the morning when I'm already late for work. Milk, 1/2 cup of fruit, powder then blend and drink on my way to work. I'll typically take some greek yogurt, almonds, some vegetables like carrots or…