

  • Once upon a time I was the world's biggest cereal addict. Then my roommate gave me her recipe for granola, and I haven't bought cereal at a grocery store for over a year now. :) Here's my recipe, it's super easy- 5 c. oats 2 c. nuts (I use almonds) 1/4 c. flaxseed 1/4 c. chia seeds 2 tsp. cinnamon 1 tsp. nutmeg 1/3 c.…
    in Cereals Comment by keddins1 August 2012
  • I eat about 90% gluten and dairy free. Here are some of my favorites- Natural peanut butter and honey on rice cakes (better than it sounds) Fresh fruit! Warm salted edamame Soy Energy Mix, a nut and dried fruit mix from Costco A green smoothie (A cup of rice (or whatever) milk, frozen fruit, a banana, kale or spinach)…
  • Let's be friends. :) I'm only trying to lose about 5 more pounds, but I need to know that there are people out there judging me when I go over my calorie limit and don't work out for three days straight!
  • I eat Paleo about 75% of the time... does that count? I eat almost completely gluten and dairy free (except plain yogurt with live and actives cultures), but I do eat quinoa and oats. Even though I'm not 100%, I feel loads better than I did when I was eating tons of grains and dairy. The best part? After a year of being…
  • When I start losing motivation to work out, I find a different sort of workout to go to, which keeps things exciting. I also admit that I often motivate myself to work out with the idea of "earning" extra calories to eat. :) When I lose the motivation to eat right, I reflect on how I looked and felt when I wasn't eating as…
  • I have a very similar problem- my boyfriend is 6'6" and skinny as a rail, and loves buying junk food and fast food. He's also convinced that my motivation to eat healthy is driven by a need to lose weight, and he doesn't think I need to lose any more weight, so sometimes he even encourages me to splurge and eat crap with…
  • I've been without bread for a year now, and I've found that other carbs like quinoa, brown rice, oats, sweet potatoes (like homemade sweet potato fries), rice cakes, and popped chips make me miss it a lot less. Also, if you're craving bread, you can also think of it as just craving carbs, and fruit is loaded with natural…
  • I'm gluten and dairy free as well! They're minor intolerances, but I avoid them as much as I can just to be on the safe side. Lovely to meet you!