username_misso Member


  • this is pretty much my take on it. there are other viable alternatives you can try before you need to resort to straps, as youve already said you will investigate some grip exercises and such. i also had problems with grip at around 100kgs, but i started using chalk and was able to keep progressing. when i next ran into…
  • the new york city ballet also had a series of workout dvds
  • you should look check out starting strength. if im coming back from a break i always just spend a session or two feeling my way around with weights to see where i should be starting from again.
  • i squat a bit below, i dont want there being any question of depth.
  • just do it, you will NOT be laughed at. i cannot stress this enough. if you are still too nervous, go along and watch a comp and see what i mean, the crowd, the other lifters, are all so supportive. at local comps we have everyone lifting from girls who have recently started and are lifting a bar with collars, to our top…
  • i did one years and years ago and practically fell off the bike afterwards lol. thankfully, a few years later after i had gradually built up my bike fitness doing road rides, the class was MUCH easier!
  • or make sure you are squatting with a spotter / in a cage / in a rack with safeties for that extra confidence.
  • i wouldnt bother, ive had several that have been crap. i figured out the distance i walk (driving the route, map my walk), worked out how ling it takes me, and then worked out an average pace. i went on a few different websites to look at the suggested calories, then averaged them and now work off that figure.
  • i more or less agree with everything else, except for #4. i usually train with a big group so working in is a given. if im at a commercial gym i usually need longer rest breaks than the average punter so am more than happy for people to work in. you can test this out - if you are waiting for a bar just ask how many sets…
  • your bum needs to build up a bit of "bike fitness" too, also see if you can get a fit at a bike shop, some places will even let you test ride saddles. (when i started riding as an adult i bought the squishiest seat i could find, however when i started doing longer rides i actually ended up getting quite a hard saddle with…
  • when i started riding again as an adult i got a hyrbid with fat tyres and lowered the seat as much as i could so that i could still put my feet flat on the ground if i needed to stop and there was very far to fall in case i did. i pootled around on bike paths getting comfortable with the bike and riding and as i got more…
  • i used to drink a fair bit of diet coke, but found that when i switched to soda water i got less cravings for sweet things in general, my tastes totally changed. if i have diet coke now it just tastes weird. im not claiming any science, but i definitely credit the switch to soda water as helping me change my eating habits…
  • get chalk. keep a pumice in the shower and give your callouses a going-over before you get out.
  • i would still chuck in some cardio, a walk makes for good active recovery or try some HIIT to change it up a bit.
  • one near my place had a free trial, i would advise taking up this offer if its available at the one near you. it was enough for me to decide i didnt want to go there - there was not a single bench press in the place. but it comes down to your goals and preferences :)
  • im glad we all agree now.
  • the concern is usually more about catabolism rather than atrophy where "weight loss" is the goal. if the OP wants to measure fat/muscle loss/gain accurately they should get a dexa scan. the weight you can lift is not an accurate measure of muscle mass - things like better muscle recruitment, technique improvements,…
  • "raw" as a standalone category is quite new, so where some feds have been trying to grow the sport the qualifying totals have generally been lower - there's no appeal running a Nationals for a niche sport if the qualifying totals are prohibitively high and that only a couple of athletes can compete.
  • to echo a bit of what others have said: - the macros on MFP have the protein requirement set pretty low, having "2 eggs most days" would get you nowhere close to your daily requirements. - protein is protein is protein, doesnt matter if it comes from lean meat, eggs, or in a shake. the only difference with some protein…
  • these are great suggestions. those who do "indulge" occasionally are generally better at sticking to "diets" long term, you dont feel deprived, the extra increase in cals can help avoid your body going in to "starvation mode" and you want to make changes you can sustain. you could not eat pasta now, diet for however long,…
  • maybe let them know that you really do appreciate that they care and are trying to help, but for now you are going ok. promise them you will let them know the first instant you feel you are slipping and if you need any other help or moral support, so they dont have to continuously fret, but also dont feel like they are…
  • im not sure of your exact situation but seems like it might be similar to oil rigs and mine sites. is your accommodation pretty much just your bedroom, and do you have to eat at communal mess hall places? is the gym just for people who work at the oilfields or is it in a town where anyone can go to it?
  • congratulations on making the move ;) yes, you will absolutely notice a difference, your body is working harder with the free weights and using extra muscles you probably didnt know you had to affect the same movement you were doing on a machine. essentially you dont have the help of the machine, so its going to be be…
  • first of all, congratulations on the weight loss! you probably already know that the more you do something the easier it gets*, so absolutely stick with it! i have been doing heaps of weights and while im "strong", i find "bike fitness" a totally different kettle of fish. without knowing the area, theres heaps of reasons…
  • i had to get a cortisone shot but didnt get particularly hungry, depends what you had. if youve been cooped up in the house is it possible youre bored? this always sets me off! lol
  • whatever works for you! i was eating pretty standard breakfast/lunch/dinner, but getting hungry around 3pm. i split my breakfast & lunch into 3 smaller meals and now eat at 9am, 12pm and 3pm. im eating the same calories, but now i have something to eat when i get hungry in the afternoon. im not sure about the 'dont eat…
  • can you just keep some protein bars or trail mix at your desk? might work out cheaper than putting them in the vending machine if they are going to sell things above cost, too.
  • there are ways to sub in vegies for carbs - there are a few recipes floating around in different threads, things like making noodles/spaghetti out of zucchini (i havent tried this but others swear by it). i have to agree with the others about trying to reduce your sugar carbs if you really are that hung up on it. i used to…
  • there are a lot of people here giving a lot of different advice - i also suggest googling mark rippetoe's video. there are heaps of tweaks you can make later depending on a lot of different things (ie, width of stance, angle of feet, position of bar on your back, a million other things...) but to get you started his…
  • thank you guys so much for the link and the feedback! i am trying to use MFP sensibly and account fairly for all food... and would like to do the same for exercise but am really struggling. i know that i will never find out an exact number of calories burned, but i desperately needed a starting place.