TheNatKitchen Member


  • Just got my Charge HR today!
  • Hi Kristin, I'm Natalie. I could really use the support and accountability. Please sign me up!
  • Hey, I can relate! I'm starting over today for what seems like the millionth time. I weighed myself over the weekend and realized that I'm back up to my post-baby weight, but my baby is almost four. And I too fall off the wagon on the weekends... It's a challenge. I know so much about nutrition, but then I binge like…
  • Week 1 Day 1 complete! I feel great, though humbled. And it is ridiculous how sweaty I am!
  • Hi Everyone! I hope I'm not too late to join your group, I plan to start W1D1 today. I'm a little nervous.... I'm so heavy, I fear might run slower than I walk. I've always hated running because I've never been any good at it. But my goal is to learn to love running, and of course get very fit in the process. I live in…
  • Checking in: 08/29/09 - 169 (starting) 09/03/09 – 165 (-4lbs!!!) woo-hoo!! 09/10/09 – 163.6 (-1.4 lbs) 09/17/09 -- 162.8 (-0.8 lbs) 09/24/09 -- 161.5 (-1.3 lbs) 10/01/09 -- ?? forgot?? 10/08/09 --161.4 10/15/09--- missed 10/22/09-- 164 (PLUS 2.6) 10/29/09 -- 160 (-4 pounds!) woot! 11/05/09 11/12/09 11/19/09 11/26/09 –…
  • A day late: 08/29/09 - 169 (starting) 09/03/09 – 165 (-4lbs!!!) woo-hoo!! 09/10/09 – 163.6 (-1.4 lbs) 09/17/09 -- 162.8 (-0.8 lbs) 09/24/09 -- 161.5 (-1.3 lbs) 10/01/09 -- ?? forgot?? 10/08/09 --161.4 10/15/09--- missed 10/22/09-- 164 (PLUS 2.6) :ohwell: 10/29/09 11/05/09 11/12/09 11/19/09 11/26/09 – Thanksgiving Goal=150…
  • I'm sorry I haven't signed on for a while. I was in a car accident last Thursday, so I missed the weigh in. I have some pretty painful whiplash, so I've mostly been laying low. And eating. :grumble: This week I'm going to focus on getting some sort of exercise everyday. I've been slacking for a while and its time to pick…
  • Hi Everyone! Sorry I've been missing, my work took over my life for the last two weeks :grumble: I've been so busy I couldn't come on. AND we ordered in lunch, and sometimes dinner, EVERY day! I was terrified to weigh in, but somehow I maintained :noway: So even though I'm late, here it is: 08/29/09 - 169 (starting)…
  • I got sick this weekend ::cry: So, no workouts for a minute, but hopefully I can keep the calories low and have a good weigh in on Thursday. Do we have a new challenge this week? I know we were talking about pedometers, but where do get one? It seems like you got one free with EVERYTHING a few years ago, but I'd like to…
  • Todays check in: 08/29/09 - 169 (starting) 09/03/09 – 165 (-4lbs!!!) woo-hoo!! 09/10/09 – 163.6 (-1.4 lbs) 09/17/09 -- 162.8 (-0.8 lbs) 09/24/09 -- 161.5 (-1.3 lbs) 10/01/09 -- 10/08/09 10/15/09 10/22/09 10/29/09 11/05/09 11/12/09 11/19/09 11/26/09 – Thanksgiving Goal=150. It looks like everyone is doing very well!
  • I totally agree! I'm OBSESSED with Almond Breeze Unsweetened- only 40 calories per serving!! WOOT. And it tastes worlds better than soy, rice or cows milk :)
  • That's amazing!! Keep up the hard work chica :smile: I have't had a "real" soda in years, but man I love Diet Coke and Fresca! Most days I avoid them, but sometimes I go nuts. And I think we all know that Diet's not any better for you. Today I made myself a "juicy seltzer"- 1 oz juice (REAL juice) + 8 oz Perrier.…
  • I think this is a great idea! What if we say 'no sweets' and this INCLUDES soda? Any thoughts?
  • Check in! 08/29/09 - 169 (starting) 09/03/09 – 165 (-4lbs!!!) woo-hoo!! 09/10/09 – 163.6 (-1.4 lbs) 09/17/09 -- 162.8 (-0.8 lbs) 00/24/09 10/01/09 10/08/09 10/15/09 10/22/09 10/29/09 11/05/09 11/12/09 11/19/09 11/26/09 – Thanksgiving Goal=150. Man, I really need to work a little harder to make my goal! I'm glad to see some…
  • So I just finished repeating W1, again. I'm not sore at all, but I get SO winded while I'm running. I'm scared to move on to W2! Do I tough it out, or wait until i can do W1 comfortably before I move on?? At this rate it will take a year to complete the program. Help?
  • Yesterday was NUTS! I earned 525 exercise calories, and STILL went over by 600 calories. Lesson of the day: Do not eat what the husband eats! Seriously, we spent most of the day together and I ate like bachelor all day long: Buffalo wings, beer, french fries... :blushing: Today I'm back on track, and I'm thinking about not…
  • Welcome newcomers :smile: I just wanted to check in over the weekend. I noticed I eat healthier, and workout more consistently when I check in on MFP more often, This group really helps keep me motivated! Thanks guys!! :flowerforyou: The 200 situps plan is awesome! I'm also doing the Couch to 5k, although it's taking me a…
  • 08/29/09 - 169 (starting) 09/03/09 – 165 (-4lbs!!!) woo-hoo!! 09/10/09 – 163.6 (-1.4 lbs) 09/17/09 00/24/09 10/01/09 10/08/09 10/15/09 10/22/09 10/29/09 11/05/09 11/12/09 11/19/09 11/26/09 – Thanksgiving Goal=150. That’s just 13.6 lbs to go! Everyone is kicking butt, I'm so proud of all of you. Today I start the crunches…
  • You will love it! Best of luck.
  • I'm prone to this also, but have kept it under control for couple of years now. Have you tried yogurt and probiotics? These will help buid up the "good guys" down there so the yeast doesn't take over. It will help with your intestinal tract to :blushing: Any yogurt with live active cultures will do, andyou can get…
  • I was using a cellphone at first too!! :laugh: The podcasts are so helpful, although I don't love the music. I just tell myself that I have earn the priveledge to listen to my favorite tunes while I run. I finished W1 D3 last thursday, and lost 4 lbs last week!!! Some family crisis took over my life for the past five days,…
  • Thanks you guys. I really needed the encouragement. You're right about kids too- my six year old always thinks I have a "little brother" for him in my belly. :wink: But he's so cute, you could never get mad him.
  • Hi Everyone, Sorry I've been MIA for a while- things have been hectic! Anyway, I'm doing well with my water. I missed last weeks weigh-in, but I was down 4 lbs for the week!!! I don't think the scale will be so friendly this week, I haven't worked out in days :ohwell: I love the idea of adding another challenge. I'm all…
  • Hi Everyone! Am I too late to join? I completed W1 D1 yesterday and I am so proud of myself I could just explode. But man, I'm SLOW! I did whole thing in 20 minutes, then came home and mapped it ( and it was only 1.65 miles. Today it's yoga and walking, then W1 D2 tomorrow :happy:
  • i am OBSESSED with Smart & Delicious tortillas! The ones I get are 80 cal and 12 g fiber. I keep a packager of those, a carton of egg beaters, some fat free cheese, and salsa in the fridge at work for breakfast burritos. They are super low cal and keep me full for hours. :)
  • Check out the hungry girl website and cookbooks. They love Shirataki too :) I've been dying to try them myself, but can't find them anywhere in utah :cry:
  • So, I drank all my water and then some... It was almost TOO easy. Would someone mind helping me check my math? I think I either got wrong, or I'm just naturally more thirsty than most people. According to my calculations, I need to drink about 69 oz since I weigh 169. Yesterday I drank about 90 oz water plus 2 cups coffee,…
  • My husband threw away my scale!! It was horrifying, but it's actually been good for me. I'm not spending so much time obsessing over that number. I do have to go to someone elses house to weigh in, but that's totally doable once a week or so. Anyway, I have a new BF: my tape measurer :wink: