

  • I would think that it is the Ambien. Have you looked up the side effects? I belive I have read something about "sleep walking". I would put things up in different places. Maybe you will throw yourself off if you can't find them using rote memory. At least its rice cakes! Check out the link below... maybe this will help.…
  • I like them both. Just Dance 2 always turns in to a big party at my house. All my kids ( teenagers) , neighbors, neighbor's kids (elem. age) come over and it turns in to all night thing! I personally like the EA Wii Active. I especially like the cardio boxing...just to do something different. Try going to Game Stop or…
  • Try mixing up the exercise. I lost 21 pounds and have been stuck for 2 weeks so I have added walking the stairs at work. My building has 10 floors and it takes me about 15 minutes ( I'm slow...) but it gets my heart rate up in the middle of the day and I am hoping that this will restart my metabolism. Also, look at what…
  • Some people are not very savvy and speak before they think.... I wouldn't focus on that. Concentrate on the fact that you are doing something healthy for yourself and that you are being successful. I am 37 and my daughter turns 17 this year so I completely understand. Be proud of the acomplishment. Good luck!