

  • Seen a few post, and maybe it has been discussed already, but "homosexuals" are born that way. I guess not everyone took science in highschool or junior high. They cannot help falling in love with their own sex, as we can't help falling in love with the opposite sex. It is not an option they can choose. And I think it's…
  • I had a fat free yoplait yogert (strawberry) and 1/2 banana. Usually does the trick because I'm just not a breakfast eater. And if I get hungry before lunch I'll eat half a cup or less of frosted Cheerios. (I love my sugar). And you can just snack on the other half whenever you need a pick me up. I believe it's only 110…
  • I have a 3 1/2 year old and a 10 month old. And I watch my nephew who is almost 2. I'll put something with music on the tv to occupy them while I do my strength training. If I know I won't have time to do my exercises I'll run in place at home or make a exercise game everyone can get Into. Make it fun, or try and do it…