Honest answers only



  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    Honestly, how can you want an honest answer but forbid talk of the bible if someone believes in the bible?


    I am not anti-gay. I am anti-sin, I don't approve of any sex between anyone that isn't husband and wife. That includes straight couples who aren't married. The only sex that is ok in God's eyes is between and husband and wife. Any other is sin, gay or not!
    Wow, I'd burst into flames if I ever went to your house. I've had some incredible sexual encounters with people I wasn't married to.
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    As a gay man, I'm a little tired of the conversation to be honest. I don't need anyone's approval. Please, by all means, have whatever opinions you like, so long as you realize they're just your opinions. I also think we should have something a tad more compelling than traditional opinions when trying to have a rational discussion about the topic.

    If you want to have a discussion over the constitutionality of same-sex marriage etc, bring it to a discussion group.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    And God did not create people to be gay. He would not create you a certain way and then tell you not to be that way.
    That's one interpretation, but I think you should study this a little further. The Bible doesn't tell gay people not to be gay unless you use a pretty narrow interpretation and don't think about it too hard.
  • chlorisaann
    chlorisaann Posts: 366 Member
    Because it's just not natural and don't tell me you're born that way, you choose to be gay, period. I am anti LGBT everything

    If a person CHOOSES to be Gay, When did you CHOOSE to be straight???? Just curious as to when you made this conscious decision.....
  • Brizoeller
    Brizoeller Posts: 182 Member

    No....Black children didn't stop going to school because of racism...segregation took care of that...but since desegregation the norms havent changed that much...in my City...going on right now...is a fight between city and county schools. as it stands now city kids cant attend county schools sure the county schools are in the Suburbs and better education...and the City schools are ing the Inner city...but a bill has been passed to merge county and city schools so that any child can attend where they want....and suburbia are OUTRAGED!!! Some are saying that they will move to another county not to have city children with their Lily delicate children...and It comes down to a Black and White issue too..so don't give me the Society Norm speech..ppl are not teaching their children to tolerate any thing different...instead if anything there teaching them not to Hate the different...but don't fraternize with them.....

    Straight couple pursuing adoption In vitro or Surrogancy Is fine...If its medically proven that you are sterile....that may very well be the case with me and my Husband and I proven so then we will do what we need to do to have a family...there's nothing wrong with those methods...If you cant procreate the natural way....

    All your arguments are mind boggling honestly. And they flat out don't make sense. So just stop. And don't do the black white thing please. Let's be honest, you're more likely to get a job than I am even if i am more qualified, so don't start that. And you have to be sterile in order to adopt??! Get off your high horse. And your uneducated high horse at that. Those are the most ridiculous claims ever. It is people like you that give others a bad name And that honestly make me a bit sick. It is views such as yours that make children grow up in a world consumed with judgement and hate. And why the world in general just stinks. Practice a little more love, and a lot less hate. And you want to go on about not fraternizing with people because they are black and blah blah and how wrong it is. Go back and read your original post.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Because it's just not natural and don't tell me you're born that way, you choose to be gay, period. I am anti LGBT everything

    Absolutly not true. You are born that way. They know from the minute they are old enough to think someone of the opp. sex is cute and have an attraction to them that they find people of the same sex more attractive. You ask each and every gay person when did you know you were gay and they will tell you they have always known they felt attracted to people of the same sex as them.
    You say they aren't born that way because the bible (or according to your interpritation of said Bible) says that. Remember Man interpreted the Bible and IMO chose to make the meaning one way when it could have been meant something completely different and I believe it was meant differently. Man is not perfect and makes mistakes, he made one, please forgive him and move on.
  • Brizoeller
    Brizoeller Posts: 182 Member
    the part at the top is a quote from someone else *
  • jen_bd6
    jen_bd6 Posts: 501 Member
    I don't foresee a long life for this thread.

    A smart one, you are :)
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    Honestly, how can you want an honest answer but forbid talk of the bible if someone believes in the bible?


    I am not anti-gay. I am anti-sin, I don't approve of any sex between anyone that isn't husband and wife. That includes straight couples who aren't married. The only sex that is ok in God's eyes is between and husband and wife. Any other is sin, gay or not!

    You don't sin?
    And if you do, should people hate you for it or suggest that you have no right to the "pursuit of happiness"?
  • dunnweb
    dunnweb Posts: 49
    Honestly, how can you want an honest answer but forbid talk of the bible if someone believes in the bible?

    Because I would like to see other reasons as to why you or others are against it. Are you against it ONLY because the bible tells you it is wrong?

    For Christians, the Bible is our foundation, whether or not non-Christians agree with that. So yes, there are some people who are against it only because it's in the Bible.

    But that being said, I don't think it is ever okay to be mean and hateful to people - not just with gay people, but with anything - politics, religion, you name it. There is no chance for open, honest discussion if people aren't willing to listen, regardless of your stance on the topic.

    This is how I feel. Whether I agree with it or not, I have NO right to judge anyone for it or spread the hatred that is already rampant in relation to this subject

    Better put some sleeves on then.

    Do not wear clothes of wool and linen woven together. (NIV, Deuteronomy 22:11)

    I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God. (NIV, 1 Timothy 2:9-10)
  • spikefoot
    spikefoot Posts: 419
    It also says in the bible that you should kill your children if they disobey you, so I think giving "because it's in the bible" as an answer for anything is a complete fallacy.

    I have never figured out the anti-gay thing either. Why is someone's sex-life anyone else's business?

    I honestly think god made some mistakes in his teachings and now christianity is trying to back pedal and interpret it. I don't think they really know what god thinks about anything.. Kinda off topic but I like your response. :)
  • jen_bd6
    jen_bd6 Posts: 501 Member

    If a person CHOOSES to be Gay, When did you CHOOSE to be straight???? Just curious as to when you made this conscious decision.....

    This lady!!! *high five*
  • mothsdammit
    I am a lesbian.

    To those who say being gay is a choice: I want you to tell me how many people willingly choose to be victimized on a daily basis, to the point where they nearly choose to take their own life. Try and tell me Matthew Shepard decided "I'd like to be brutally murdered and left on a fence."

    Furthermore, I don't mind if you hate gay people because of your religion. Honestly, that's what you were taught to believe and I'm not going to try and reverse years of you being taught to believe a certain thing. That's a major uphill battle.

    However, I must implore you to stop trying to put that influence on a society that can and does exist independent of your religious beliefs. The consequences of religious bigotry are immense, and completely contradict the main point of Christianity, the point of it that I completely love, and it is love thy neighbor. By denying marriage equality, by denying equal rights, and by telling people that they are sinners, you, you personally, perpetuate the behavior of others - victimization, bullying, harassment, murder. People raised in a homophobic community that views gays as sub-human will have no problem treating them that way.

    Whether or not you think it is sin, I know from personal experience, as a person who has been in a relationship with a man and a woman, can attest to the fact that love really is love. The emotion you feel towards your opposite sex husband or wife is no different, in any way, to the love I have felt to my girlfriends and will one day feel towards my wife (because marriage equality WILL happen. Society has been evolving to realize that it is the only proper way to go.) is no different.

    I've had to deal with bullying, harassment, and people trying to convert me to being straight, both with religiously, and non-religiously justified reasons, but my story is nowhere near as horrible as what other GLBTQ kids have gone through. Sorry if I seem a bit short and disagreeable, but I don't really like to justify other peoples hatred when it affects me directly, and has led to the deaths of thousands of people.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    And God did not create people to be gay. He would not create you a certain way and then tell you not to be that way.
    ummm, are you suggesting the Bible was WRITTEN BY GOD Himself?
  • spikefoot
    spikefoot Posts: 419
    Honestly, how can you want an honest answer but forbid talk of the bible if someone believes in the bible?

    Because I would like to see other reasons as to why you or others are against it. Are you against it ONLY because the bible tells you it is wrong?

    I don't have a problem with gay people, but gay people that wear wool and linen together... well those sinners disgust me. kidding lol
    For Christians, the Bible is our foundation, whether or not non-Christians agree with that. So yes, there are some people who are against it only because it's in the Bible.

    But that being said, I don't think it is ever okay to be mean and hateful to people - not just with gay people, but with anything - politics, religion, you name it. There is no chance for open, honest discussion if people aren't willing to listen, regardless of your stance on the topic.

    This is how I feel. Whether I agree with it or not, I have NO right to judge anyone for it or spread the hatred that is already rampant in relation to this subject

    Better put some sleeves on then.

    Do not wear clothes of wool and linen woven together. (NIV, Deuteronomy 22:11)

    I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God. (NIV, 1 Timothy 2:9-10)

    I don't have a problem with gay people but the ones that wear wool and linen together are scumbag sinners.... kidding!
  • dunnweb
    dunnweb Posts: 49

    I am not anti-gay. I am anti-sin, I don't approve of any sex between anyone that isn't husband and wife. That includes straight couples who aren't married. The only sex that is ok in God's eyes is between and husband and wife. Any other is sin, gay or not!

    Better put some sleeves on then.

    Do not wear clothes of wool and linen woven together. (NIV, Deuteronomy 22:11)

    I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God. (NIV, 1 Timothy 2:9-10)
  • Katesalbrecht
    Seen a few post, and maybe it has been discussed already, but "homosexuals" are born that way. I guess not everyone took science in highschool or junior high. They cannot help falling in love with their own sex, as we can't help falling in love with the opposite sex. It is not an option they can choose. And I think it's rediculous some people actually believe they choose that lifestyle. Just goes to show how ignorant people really are and have been for centuries. And thats why this world is so messed up because some people have a small closed mind and can't except that people besides them are different. That goes for racism, sexism, and homosexuals. Hatred is evil and that is a sin my friends.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    now this is just my opinion, but i am sure there is some research on it, and i am also sure it has already been posted

    bigots are usually people who are just scared of things that are different than them for several reasons. they don't want their redneck boat rocked.

    this leads to racism and different washrooms.
    sexism when a woman wants to take charge, the jokes and lack of seriousness will come out and the word '*****' here and there.
    classism...they must be lazy since they don't have a 3 bedroom home in an upscale neighbourhood.
    heterosexism...everyone i meet must be straight! unless they act flaming!!
    homophobia...gay people are defects

    etc, etc. etc.

    these are old school thoughts embedded into daily lives, and are now more covert than overt.
  • LaSutopia
    LaSutopia Posts: 1,195 Member
    Straight couple pursuing adoption In vitro or Surrogancy Is fine...If its medically proven that you are sterile....that may very well be the case with me and my Husband and I proven so then we will do what we need to do to have a family...there's nothing wrong with those methods...If you cant procreate the natural way....
    You have to be proven sterile before you can pursue adoption? What are you even thinking about?

    I believe she meant for her personally, that is a decision she made for her self that she wants to try it natural but if it is proven that she can't have them natural then she will try IVF...she is saying she does not think there is anything wrong with it...but personally she wants to make sure she can not have them naturally first....Am I right Mrs. Fine?
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    I am a believer in Christ...but I am not "anti-gay". Many quote the bible..which is their stance for being "anti gay" but in the same scripture..it also says for men to keep their hair short, for people not to wear mixed fabrics, not to eat shellfish, not to marry someone who isnt of the same "tribe"...and besides..once Christ came..all law before him is no more..

    You cant pick and choose what to follow and not follow in the Bible. I laugh at these people who are against gay marriage..because it breaks the sanctity of marriage..but they are all for "straight marriages" like kim kardashian and brittany spears...marriage is marriage... life is life..and love is love...
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